Chapter 4

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[10:19:23 AM]

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I've just realized that--I've only been here for like several hours, and the world's already in chaos.

The highway lane that we were both driving on was absolutely empty. Not a single vehicle at our front, our back, and on our sights. The opposite lane however, oh boy. Long traffic jam.

As we got closer to the city, we could now see the distant smoke billowing up from burning buildings caused by the break. Fighter jets screamed past us as we drove on, heading for Tokyo. I squinted my eyes and looked at the distance in front of me, trying to locate anything that might relate to the military. 

I wouldn't want to get stopped at a checkpoint you know? We've been driving smoothly for two hours now and after that, I'm gonna have to fly my way there? Nah, just drive me straight to the destination.

"Any updates about the news?"

"They just kept repeating the messages on the radio countless times. We're left in the dark."

"It's strange that there's not much military activity going on the highway except from above. Are we still far away from the city?"

"Apparently not. Look ahead."

In the distance, was a military checkpoint. Barbed wire and metal fences blocked our only route to the city with soldiers guarding the place. Armored vehicles were lined up on the side of the road, with some blocking the middle.

"Fucking knew it, the JDSF came early."

"That's a good thing right?"

"Not for me. We're going off-road."

"But we're in a neighborhood! You can't just off-road here or we'll crash!"

"That's not what I meant--just get off the highway and turn right."

"But we're driving on the left side of the road--"


Dave immediately swerved the car left onto the incoming road exit, avoiding the checkpoint. Due to the sudden maneuver, I was thrown to the right side of the car with my head bumping onto the window.

"OW! Are you trying to get us into an accident?!"

"T-There was an animal on the road!"

"Oh sure, an animal on the road will definitely obliterate the car in seconds."

"Now we're in unfamiliar territory yet again, our only directional beacon would be the smoke in the distance. Just follow that and we'll be there in no time - easy peasy."

A few minutes later, we came across a huge roadblock preventing us from reaching the city: A goddamn river.


"Yeah uh, I'm gonna scout the area for a bit."

Enabling noclip, I flew to the skies to see where we are. In the distance, I could see the skyline on fire, and numerous flying objects all around. I presumed they're just helicopters shooting down the monsters, but upon closer look, they looked more like birds than death machines. Using the camera, I zoomed into the chaos.

I was right. They were birds. Ugly fuckin' eagles in fact. They came from the dungeon break right? Where else could these monsters appear from?

As I was looking at the animals like I'm from NatGeo, I saw a helicopter pass by my sights. Interested, I began to follow it. But as soon as I turned the camera towards it, it was immediately brought down like a goddamn fly by one of the birds I saw earlier. It spun towards the ground and blew up in a fiery blaze.

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