Chapter 2

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[04:32:56 AM]

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I down a whole cup of water in an instant and placed the empty Styrofoam cup on the wooden table in front of me.

"Ah~ that was refreshing."

"So, from what I currently know, we're in a modern magical country where portals appear all over the place with monsters inside them. The people here have superpowers that help them kill those creatures for rewards either from their organization, or from the treasures in those portals."

"Want to know where I got that knowledge from? Yeah, from those countless stories I've read about this genre."

Silence filled the area for a few moments before "male_09" spoke.


I cleared my throat. "You know, my first thought when I got transported here is to get involved with the world's plot. How can I even know this world has that?"

"I can make sense that this world is 'interesting' because of the magic stuff, but does it have a plot that's similar to what I'm currently thinking?"

"Does this world have a main character? I'm thinking about it because this 'reality' is basically an anime plot or something."

"The people I've encountered back there looked so goddamn unique! I mean, I felt that those people are special in a way you know? Well, except for those other two."

"The others looked like they were literal background characters. Not like those people who chat around and don't mind your business--no. They looked like their only purpose in life is to fill in the background scenery to make it feel more alive!"

"Well, you didn't see it because you weren't there."

Silence filled the area yet again until "male_09" spoke again.

"Uh-huh... I definitely did not understand all of that."

I sighed. "So, the ones I should look out for are the people who have a 'Stand-Out-Unique' aura to them. If there is a story happening, I'd love to get involved in it."

"If I'm gonna force myself into the storyline though, I need to have a character or something. What facade am I gonna put out in front of them? A goofy one, a fierce one, or an evil one?"

"What powers am I going to use? I can't just use a gun on every problem--NO! I need to sometimes rely on my skills!"

"Which I actually don't have. I've never gone into any fighting sport in my life. I'm only the best at sprinting."

"You know what's my solution to that? Borrowed powers!"

I stood up from my chair and began to warm up in front of the citizen.

"Take a look at this!"

[-"Time Rush"-]

Suddenly, the world turned a light shade of blue and everything around me became slow motion. As a test, I tipped over my Styrofoam cup on the table, and it began to slowly fall over. 

The citizen, who's currently looking at me, had a confused face when I activated my ability; but his expression slowly began to change when I walked behind him. I saw that his head turned, albeit slowly; indicating that he saw me.

I deactivated the power a second later, causing everything to go back to normal. The citizen, after turning his head fully, looked at me in the eyes.

"What in the world... are you?"

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