1.Candidate Selection

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"I believe she would be an excellent choice," the portrait of Minerva McGonagall spoke, her voice filled with conviction. "Oh! The other young man, what was his name Albus? Carrytin Welligton? Carrington? Ferrington! Yeah Cartin Ferrington, that young man was also good. His qualification and work experience was great."

Beside her, the portrait of Albus Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "Indeed, if I were in your position, I would seriously consider either of the two candidates."

Ahead of them, at the Headmaster's table sat the current headmaster of Hogwarts. He had listened to their opinions multiple times, though he found himself dissatisfied with the candidates that had been interviewed so far. The young man Minerva mentioned possessed impressive qualifications and work experience. However, his arrogance and rudeness proved to be significant drawbacks.

Shaking his head, the headmaster declared, "I am not satisfied." All the other portraits sighed in response. "We shall conduct a fresh round of interviews tomorrow, with a new set of candidates."

"When are you ever satisfied? Hmph," grumbled Minerva, her frustration evident

"Professor McGonagall, we Slytherins do not settle for anything less than perfection. After all, our current Headmaster is also a Slytherin. I hope you remember how impeccably he performs his duties," remarked the portrait of Phineas Nigellus with a smug expression

Minerva rolled her eyes but couldn't help a faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Oh, yes, perfection indeed," she replied, her tone laden with sarcasm.

"Alright, maybe it's time for you to consider my suggestion. This young lady I have been talking to you about," Minerva informed the only human in the room.

Indeed, she had been persistently discussing a certain young lady with him ever since he began the search for a deputy headmistress or headmaster. But he had dismissed her, not particularly eager to entertain her discussions about her beloved ex-Gryffindors. However, faced with the realization that the current candidates were leading nowhere, he reluctantly conceded and gave in to her persistent urging. "Speak."

Minerva's face lit up, and she began describing. "The young lady's name is Samara Pritchett. She studied here years ago and excelled in potions. She also served as a prefect and possessed a calm and organized demeanor. Allow me to remind you of the Samaratarian Conquest that took place during your sixth year."

The headmaster nodded, he remembered it well as he had won many prizes in that conquest. It was an inter-school scholastic competition. Talents and knowledge in various aspects of magic were tested in students. He had won a good amount of prizes as a Hogwarts candidate, but a small tap on the back was all he received from Albus back then.

"She single-handedly orchestrated the entire event, from meticulously collecting the names of participants to flawlessly coordinating all the necessary elements for the guest students and judges. Simply outstanding," Minerva exclaimed, her admiration evident. "I bring this up because the role of a deputy headmistress or headmaster is undeniably demanding. It requires exceptional organization skills to assist and support the superior effectively. And that, my dear headmaster, is where Samara truly excels.

Minerva leaned forward, a twinkle in her eyes as she continued, "You must understand the intricacies of the deputy position, as you once witnessed firsthand during my tenure as your deputy headmistress. The responsibilities and challenges faced by the deputy often surpass those of the headmistress or headmaster themselves. It takes a capable and dedicated individual to handle such a demanding role, and Samara possesses the necessary qualities in abundance. Not only is she proficient in potions, but she is also a proud Hufflepuff."

Curious about her Hufflepuff association, the headmaster inquired, "What significance does her being a Hufflepuff hold?"

"Forgive me, but have you forgotten that we require a new Head of Hufflepuff House, as Pomona is retiring? This would address that requirement as well. Minerva, is this the same Miss Pritchett who was involved in a marital dispute? I recall you mentioning it before."

"Yes, it is indeed the same person," Minerva affirmed. "You see, we have a solution to all three issues at hand: the need for a Potions teacher, a Hufflepuff Head of House, and a deputy headmistress."

"What is this marital dispute? I do not wish to have any personnel with ongoing family complications. They must be fully available whenever required."

Minerva reassured him, saying, "That won't be an issue. Samara divorced her husband years ago. I was a witness in her case. Her husband was abusive, and Pomona and I became aware of the situation when we encountered her in London. We expressed our concerns, but she assured us that there was no cause for worry. A year or two later, she reached out to Pomona, requesting her presence as a witness in her divorce trial. As far as I know, she has been living independently without any trouble."

"Hmm, she does seem like a strong candidate. Does she have any teaching experience?" the headmaster inquired.

"Certainly. When we met, she mentioned that she had been teaching at the Salem Witch's Institute. Though I am uncertain of her current whereabouts, you can draft a letter to inquire about her interest in this position."

He thought about. According to what Minerva was saying, she must have been in the same year as him. He doesn't remember anyone with the name Samara, but again he never paid attention on his classmates. She was a Hufflepuff at that. He ignored everyone except his own house members.

Yet, a flicker of intrigue sparked within him, urging him to give this unexpected suggestion a chance. With a determined resolve, he retrieved a quill and parchment, poised to pen a letter that would set the wheels in motion for a potential meeting with Samara Pritchett. After all, sometimes the most remarkable individuals can remain hidden in the depths of one's forgotten memories.

Miss Pritchett,

I extend a unique opportunity for you to join Hogwarts. We are in need of a Potions instructor, a Head of House for Hufflepuff, and, most importantly, a Deputy Headmistress This letter might be a surprise to you, as we have never met before. But you were a suggestion made by Professor Minerva McGonagall.

I would be pleased if you consider this offer. Should you be interested, I invite you to visit Hogwarts in the coming week for further discussions and an interview.

Severus Snape,
Headmaster of Hogwarts

Severus sent the letter through his owl and took a seat at the table. "I hope you will be satisfied with her Severus. You have gone through a lot of candidates." Dumbledore mentioned. Severus ignored his comment and walked out of his office.

The Deputy Headmistress: A Severus Snape RomanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin