4.A Decission

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(A.N. I want you to know that this story is slightly AU. Not everyone are dead according to the canon. For example the Lupins are alive and Remus has a very brief apperance here.)

The next day Samara arrived at the shop earlier than usual, which surprised Mrs. Mason, nonethless she invited her to have breakfast with them. To which Samara gladly accepted.

Mr. Mason, seated at the quaint dining table, greeted Samara with kindness. "Oh, hello Samara. How are you, dearie? I asked Gobsmack to come and collect this week's earnings. I trust you'll handle it, as you always do."

"Of course, Atticus." Samara smiled graciously as Mrs. Mason served up a delightful spread of pancakes and a bowl of fresh fruit along with a glass of pumpkin juice.

As the meal progressed, Samara decided to break the ice and she began with a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Um, Bella... I had something I wanted to discuss."

"Yes, dear," Bella responded, her smile encouraging Samara to continue.

"Yesterday when i returned home, I..I had a surprise waiting for me. It was from the headmaster of Hogwarts. He is.." she exahaled and inhaled. And then spoke fast and in one breath. " He offered me the position of Deputy headmistress and potion professor.

Seeing that neither of them replied but simply stared, she quickly added, "Before you ask, I didn't apply for the job. It's as much a surprise to me as it is to both of you."

"Oh, my! That's wonderful, dear!" Bella replied, genuinely pleased for Samara. "The position of Deputy Headmistress and Potion Professor at Hogwarts is quite an honor. Congratulations! What do you think about the offer?" Bella stated with a smile.

Bella's enthusiastic response warmed Samara's heart. She couldn't believe the positive reception to her news.

"Wh...what? You re.. Really think I should take this?" Samara stammered, her surprise evident.

"Of course, sweetie. This is an honor. Teaching at Hogwarts! You must take this offer," Bella insisted, her encouragement unwavering.

Samara's gaze shifted toward Atticus, noticing the deep frown on his face, a reaction that added a layer of complexity to her decision.

"Atticus? What do you think about this?" Samara turned her attention towards him.

He sighed and met her gaze. "While I know this offer is good and your pay will also be great... But..." He paused, his hesitation clear.

"Oh, don't you worry about us and the shop, dear. I am sure we will find someone," Bella chimed in, her optimism shining through.

Atticus resumed, his concern evident. "Oh, I am not worried about the shop. I am worried about you going to Britain, Samara. A war has just ended. It's been only like a year or two."

Her thoughts were jolted by Atticus' mention of the recent war, a stark reminder of a dark chapter she had not truly considered. Memories of Voldemort's resurgence, Harry Potter as the Chosen One, and Dumbledore's tragic demise flooded her mind, casting a somber shadow. She had been reading the news these past years.

In the midst of her own contemplations, she felt a pang of guilt. She hadn't been there alongside her fellow classmates, lending her strength to the fight. Lily, though a friend for a brief period, had left an impression on her heart. And Dumbledore, a figure of admiration, had met an untimely end.

As the reality of her old classmate Severus Snape's involvement in the war unfolded, Samara's guilt deepened. She hadn't fully grasped the extent of the story until now. The realization that the person extending her an invitation to teach at Hogwarts was the same individual who had been linked to tragic events raised a complex dilemma.

The Deputy Headmistress: A Severus Snape RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now