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Severus had received Miss Pritchett's letter confirming her acceptance of the job offer and her impending arrival in two days. Today marked her scheduled arrival. After some deliberation, he decided to allocate Minerva's quarters to her, given the limited population in the castle, comprising only himself, Filch, and Hagrid.

The quarters had remained untouched since Minerva's passing. Severus instructed Filch to clean the space, with Minerva's portrait overseeing the process. It was both amusing and nerve-wracking to observe Filch's jittery demeanor each time he mishandled one of Minerva's cherished belongings. She insisted on retaining many items within the room, and Severus had to negotiate with her, assuring her that Miss Pritchett would require space for her belongings.

During the process, Minerva's emotional attachment surfaced, especially when her cat's seat was about to be removed.

"My cat seat!" Minerva sobbed, her voice filled with sorrow.

"Let it be, Mr. Filch," Severus intervened, "Miss Pritchett has a pet of her own. Perhaps she'll appreciate it."

Filch and Minerva exchanged curious glances. "What kind of pet?" they inquired simultaneously.

"I trust it's a cat," Severus replied calmly.

Relieved, Minerva and Filch accepted his response. Two days had passed since then, and the quarters were now immaculate, awaiting Miss Pritchett's arrival.


Samara had spent the last few days packing all her belongings for Hogwarts. The impending change weighed heavily on her mind, leaving her feeling anxious.

Saying goodbye to Bella and Atticus was bittersweet; they were emotional, with tearful goodbyes. Atticus expressed his concern for Samara's well-being, while Bella couldn't contain her emotions, seeing Samara as the daughter they never had. Samara assured them she would write every week to keep them updated.

Meanwhile, Samara fretted over her cat, Azreal, who disliked new environments and people. She worried about how Azreal would adjust to Hogwarts and the unfamiliar animals that roamed the castle grounds.

Today marked the day when Samara bid farewell to her home, preparing to embark on a journey to Britain. She exchanged heartfelt goodbyes with her Muggle neighbors, informing them of a new job opportunity in Britain, though she omitted the magical aspect, simply referring to it as a school where she would be working.

Samara cast one last glance at her home, imprinting the memories in her mind, before turning away.

At the portkey office, her two-year visa for Britain awaited on the desk, all official matters sorted. Her belongings were already on their way to Hogwarts through the magical courier service, a journey that would take a day or two.

Carrying Azreal in her carriage and a small bag with essentials, Samara hugged Atticus and bid Bella one final goodbye, ready to embark on her new adventure.

The tug of the portkey pulled Samara in, and with a familiar sensation in her gut, she landed in the port office at London. Opting to apparate from there, she emerged from the Ministry, taking one last look around before apparating directly in front of the imposing gates of Hogwarts. Hagrid awaited her arrival, standing right next to the door. She smiled and greeted him, and he replied, "Right on time, Miss Pritchett."

Hagrid's eyes lit up with curiosity as he noticed the small carriage in Samara's hand. "Oh, who do we have here?" he inquired with a friendly grin.

Samara replied with a fond smile, "It's my cat, Azreal."
As Hagrid guided Samara inside Hogwarts, they encountered Mr. Filch. Samara was surprised to see him still working there, despite his age. He clutched Mrs. Norris tightly in his hands. Azreal hissed at the sight of the other feline, and Mrs. Norris responded in kind.

The Deputy Headmistress: A Severus Snape RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now