10. Creepy Paintings

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Samara had taken a complete tour of her chambers and found it to be quite huge. Azreal was a little suspicious of the place but then found a very beautiful cat seat and succumbed to its heat.

Samara first needed to change the colour, it was a blinding red. She changed it to softer colours. She made the living room a combination of Beige and Emerald Green. The Kitchen stayed Black.

Well, she had found an interesting portrait in the kitchen. His name was Michael Anderson. He was a muggle born and he took pride in being the first muggle-born to attend Hogwarts.

Apparently he had slaughtered the head of a famous pure-blood who had killed his parents for being filthy muggles and was executed for that crime. But he did not care because he had taken revenge.

He was a big time flirt, concluded Samara. At the very moment he saw her, he commented, "Oh My Merlin! Who is this Damsel that hath had me go bonkers and lose my bonnet?"

Despite his charming personality, she found his behavior a bit too much to handle. Samara couldn't stand the idea of live paintings in her living space. The thought of being constantly watched or listened to made her skin crawl.

Tomorrow, she would approach the headmaster and firmly request that the live painting be relocated to a different part of the castle.

After settling in and enjoying a coffee brought by an elf, she sank into the couch. Her mind drifted back to Hogwarts, a place that had once been her sanctuary from a troubled home life.

Was returning the right decision? Only time would tell, once she began her work. For now, she'd have to wait for her belongings to arrive before organizing them. Azreal, her car, hopped onto her lap, while Samara curled up and dozed on the couch.

A sudden pop woke her up from her slumber, it was Thomas the elf. "Would Madame like dinner?"

Samara sat upright and looked at the clock. She had slept for a good four hours. "Yes, yes I would like to have dinner. Thomas isn't it?" she confirmed, recalling the elf that made her apparate right into the headmaster's office when he was half naked.

"Yes ma'am, would you like to have steak and potatoes?"

"I would prefer something light. Perhaps some soup and a piece of cake."

"Thomas will bring that right up ma'am."

Ten minutes later, the elf returned, setting the soup and cake on the table. Azreal stirred from her deep slumber and caught sight of the elf, prompting her to freak out.

It was the cat's first encounter with such a magical creature, and she let out a loud mewl before darting away in alarm.

Samara was stunned, unsure of what to say or do. Azreal's sudden panic had caused a mess as she knocked things over while fleeing to find a hiding spot.

If Samara was to continue living in the castle, she knew she'd have to acclimate Azreal to the presence of various magical creatures.

The next morning, having finished her breakfast and dressed in fresh clothes, Samara made her way to the headmaster's office.

Upon entering, she found the headmaster seated behind his desk, his demeanor imposing. "Professor Prichett," he greeted, gesturing for her to take a seat. "I trust you have settled down well?"

"Yes, thank you, Headmaster," Samara replied politely, taking a seat opposite him.

"Excellent. Now, let's get down to business," the headmaster said, his expression turning serious. "Your first task here at Hogwarts will be a crucial one. We need you to assist in drafting and sending out letters to all the students for the upcoming academic year."

The Deputy Headmistress: A Severus Snape RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now