It's (Not) Just a Gift

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It's literally a plant. It's just a plant.

Jared repeated those words in his head until they no longer made sense. He was pacing around his room, contemplating if he was actually going to give this to Evan. He had a little less than 24 hours to decide. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day, meaning there was little to no more time to stall. He and Evan had already made plans to hang out the next day anyway. Jared put it as a way to cope with their loneliness of not having a significant other.

He stared at the small present that was placed neatly inside a red bag with a certain amount of hatred. The bag had pink hearts around it, stuffed with white wrapping paper. He had a card laid out next to it, nothing written on it. A canvas that was longing to be used for anything. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to write out his feelings that had been repressed through 7 dreaded years of pining or to leave that for him to say in verbal words.

It was a small, succulent plant. It wasn't like he was proposing to him. Except it certainly felt like that.

He decided against writing out everything he was feeling on the card, signing it with a simple: 'Happy Valentine's Day, Ev!" and left it at that. If Evan decided he wanted to question why he received the gift, that would determine if Jared would tell him. He wasn't even sure if he wanted Evan to question it. To be fair, he never actually knew what he wanted to begin with.

Okay, that's a lie. He knew some of what he wanted. He wanted Evan. Not necessarily in a sexual way, although thoughts like those did tend to come up time-to-time.. He wanted to hold Evan's hand. He wanted to be the person Evan was closest to, who he told everything to. He wanted to experience sappy dates, not anything fancy, maybe something along the lines of staying at one or the other's house, watching terrible movies to make fun of together. Picking a movie they both liked to fall asleep to, cuddled as close together as they could possibly be. He wanted to kiss him, hug him, hold him.. He wanted so many things.

Yet he couldn't have that. No. Not until he knew how Evan felt. Regardless of how much Jared wished and prayed that he could skip the confessions and just kiss him.. He couldn't do that. Not yet.


Evan really wished that he didn't have to always overthink things. He wished that he could just think of something and settle with it. Not having to worry about if it would be weird, not thinking of the possible judgment he would receive. He wished he didn't always worry over the smallest things.

He also wished that he didn't have to pretend like Jared liked him back. He wished he didn't have to pretend that Jared was coming over so they could spend Valentine's Day together, like, as a couple. He was so sick of pretending, coming up with scenarios that he knew would never happen.

It was only a card. All he had to do was write a few words down into it then sign it. He decided against getting him anything, instead going with the second safest option, (the safest option being to not get him anything at all) and got him a card. It was just a card.

The card wouldn't have anything extraordinary in it, just your basic, generic writing that most people would receive when having a (forced) Valentine's Day party at school. There wasn't anything outstanding about it, either. It was a white card with hearts of various shades of red and pink, fancy cursive writing slapped in the middle of it reading 'Happy Valentine's Day!' The only thing Evan had to do was write basically the same thing inside, except adding Jared's name to the sentence and signing it with his own.

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