I Love You More than You could Possibly Know

33 2 12

requested by: -Just_A_Ravenclaw- !:)


Jare<3: hey, when u get home we need to talk

   Evan stared at Jared's text, chewing the inside of his lip nervously. That text could mean so many things. None of the things that follow "we need to talk," are ever good. Did something happen? They haven't had any recent arguments.. have they? Well, they have, but they were petty, forgotten-in-10-minutes-because-we-made-out, kind of arguments.

   Oh god. Was Jared breaking up with him?
   Evan: Okay. I should be there in about 30 mins or so

   His finger hovered over the 'send' button. He pressed it and immediately turned his phone off, not bothering to see the response. 

   He stood in the back with all of the extra flowers, bouquets, packages, and everything else. He was supposed to be putting a bouquet together, an order placed by someone for a wedding. He had already put together 4 of them for the bridesmaids, still having to make 2 more, and he also had to make one for the bride. He wasn't the only one there today, although it was just him and someone else, a girl named Brooke. 

   Evan tried not to think about Jared's message, instead trying to focus on placing the flowers in the right spot and tying the ribbon the right way, but his mind kept circling back to it. He kept thinking of all the possible things Jared might want to talk about. 

   His hands shook as he tied the ribbon. Cross over, underneath.. They got twisted. Cross over, underneath, pull together, one loop, wrap it around.. The lengths are uneven. 

   He kept restarting, doing the same step slower and slower each time. He eventually got it to where it was good enough, and he gently placed it in the box with the other flowers, putting the plastic on around the bouquet before doing so.
   "Evan." It was Brooke. She had come in from
working at the register. "I'm gonna leave now, so you'll have to take over out there. It's really not busy, so. I can help you finish packing those things tomorrow, 'kay?" She said, taking off her apron and hanging it up, also putting her name tag back in its designated spot.

   "Mhm," Evan mumbled, setting the box aside and getting up.

   Brooke looked at him skeptically, "You okay?" 

   "Fine. I'm fine. Yeah- I um, no, yeah. I'm fine. Great." Couldn't have worded that better, Evan thought. He ignored the weird look he got from Brooke and left her in the back, going out to the register.

   She was right, it wasn't busy at all. They really weren't the whole day. Occasionally some people come in to pick up some pre-ordered packages, but that's about it. So instead of waiting around doing nothing behind the counter, Evan grabbed a half-full watering can and began to water some of the plants. As most people do when they use a watering can..

   Watering the plants was something Brooke was supposed to do today. Now, Brooke wasn't a stereotypical 'dumb blonde,' she just tended to forget things. Quite often for that matter. Evan didn't really ever blame her. The girl always had a lot on her mind, she often rambled to Evan about things at her school. Mostly about the gossip that she was told about from her best friend, Chloe, who often got the information from a girl named Jenna, who apparently just knew almost anything and everything about the people in school. Brooke was a senior now.

   She had told Evan she never got to speak her mind like that often. On rare occasions, Chloe would let her talk about whatever, but most of the time it was Chloe who talked to Brooke, while Brooke just listened and held in all the information she was given. She swears Chloe's a good friend, and Evan believes her. 

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