kleinsen headcanons :]

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so, I currently have a bit of writers block. like, it isn't the fact that I have no ideas, I literally have like, 6 requests left, but im just unmotivated; even though I desperately want to write. does that make sense???

what better way to use my wattpad time* than to share my personal (and probably some.. plagiarized) headcanons!:○

(*because the only person I talk to is asleep and we have a 7 hour timezone difference. if you see this, hey. yeah I'm talking abt you. We've been chatting for a couple months and I still don't know your name :sob:)

moving on.

im gonna start out w/ hcs for the characters, like, not necessarily as a couple

(this is absolutely heavy personal projection onto them because I love them.)


~trans guy (most of the time I write him as one)

~bi (that's like, a given)

~weird obsession w/ tea; despises coffee

~English major & environmental science or vice versa

~sensory issues (e.g, textures & sounds)

~very organized Spotify playlists

~interested in photography

~cats or dogs? bunnies. (cats if he had to pick between the two)

~orchestra kid from middle school - high-school (played violin)

~somewhat scared of band kids

~definitely witnessed flutes doing a sacrifice on a trombone player, saw literally everyone who could, deepthroat a part of their instruments, saw the percussionists duel with their drum sticks and mallets, watched Jared and the other trumpets fucking scream into their instruments with the trombones, watched the a French horns fist their instrument, watched the flutes and clarinets try and violently murder each other because the flutes kept making fun of them (clarinets did it back), and cried over the ear splitting high notes the flutes made

(I would go on, and I definitely will, but not right now. yes these are on personal experiences. band is so fun)

~cleans when stresses/cleans as a coping mech.

~love language is gifts. giving his partner small things that he knows they'd like, making things for them, such as food, etc. & quality time

~had a hunger games phase


~gay or pan, i fluctuate between the two. even though he was confirmed to be gay in that thing they called a movie, i dont care

~i sometimes write him as a trans guy

~band kid (trumpet player)

^you cannot convince me this dude DOESNT radiate band kid energy

~didn't realize that orchestra kids were chaotic neutral
(band kids are chaotic evil)

~literally lives off of half a cup of coffee and Graham crackers

~also interested in photography


~gets frustrated easily if his hyperfixations don't go the way he planned

~sensory issues (e.g, textures, sounds, colors, being touched [sometimes], etc.)

~computer science major & minoring in web design

~most of the time unorganized, but can be fairly organized w/ certain things

~ticklish. like. insanely. no, im not trying to make this one of those tickle kink things, whatever that is. (I've seen some), but like, he's just very ticklish and that's all there is to it

~love language is physical touch (e.g, love bites, always touching the other in some way, pokes, etc.), giving & receiving words of affirmation

~ambivert (more extroverted)

~not very fond of pda (neither is evan)


~live off of each others attention

~occasional pet names. mostly it's evan using them (e.g, angel, love, baby, etc.), but Jared does, too, sometimes (pretty/handsome boy, babe, love, baby, etc.)

~in high school, Evan would help Jared with ELA assignments (he was in advanced ever since middle school), and Jared would help Evan with math

~even after their fallout in senior year, they both remembered little (and big) things about each other. Evan remembered that Jared could get frustrated with small things at times and new how to help with it, and Jared remembered that Evan's comfort drink was strawberry lemonade. Of course they remembered other things as well, too.

~before they got together and they were both clearly falling for one another, they would call/face time for hours on end almost every night

~Jared was the first to say 'I love you,' though it was accidental. he did mean it and Evan said it back about 3 days later

~they confessed at the same time and it was super messy and fairly awkward

~Jared once /ironically/ called Evan 'daddy' and he threatened to stab Jared with a fork if he ever called him that again
(no they don't have a daddy kink. neither of them do. this sounded funnier in my head)

~they have playlists based on each other but refused to show the other

~they both go to different colleges, so they're often split up from each other. thankfully, they're not terribly far away from each other. they try to meet up as much as they can and always spend breaks together.

uhh, that was a lot. okay bye. I'm just kinda tired. I have more lmfao

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