Lie to Me

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  "Evan. This isn't- we can't work like this." Evan fell silent hearing those words. They had been arguing for the past 10 minutes. Unfortunately, these arguments seemed to happen more often than not. Neither of them liked it. Neither of them wanted to argue. Yet it still.. happened. They weren't ever screaming or yelling at each other, just slightly raised voices full of annoyance and/or hurt. 

    "I love you, Evan. I really do," Jared started. "I don't want this to be.. y'know.. us while we're together, though." They'd been together for a while now, close to a year. They'd had plenty of arguments while they were just friends, sure, but everything felt so much different when they were dating.

    "So. Are you saying we should, um.. break up?" Evan didn't want to ask the question. He really didn't. He loved Jared with his whole heart and the thought of not being with him, not being able to wake up next to him in the morning, not having anyone to tell how his shitty day at work went, then laugh as they make fun of their asshole co-workers with was just.. unfathomable. They've been together their whole life. They might not have always been close, but if they did break up, Evan and Jared both knew that things wouldn't be the same. They'd go back to just knowing each other. No wasting hours of the night talking and doing stupid shit. No more movie nights that lead to chaos or just flat out making out on the couch. None of that. 

    Jared stared at Evan, chewing the inside of his cheek as he shifted uncomfortably on his toes. "I don't- I don't know. I don't want to say yes, because, well, I don't want. I don't want that. But if we can't fix things then-" Jared didn't need to finish. Evan knew what he was going to say before he cut himself off. 

    He plopped down onto their bed, his hands covering his face. Jared tried his hardest not to get too emotional. He wasn't willing to cry right now. So he repressed it as much as he could, knowing damn well that if he kept doing this like he had before, he'd eventually break. Everything would come out all at once when he didn't want it to and he'd end up hurting someone, and himself, in the process. 

    Evan had tears welling up in his eyes. He wishes he could take back everything he said. He wishes they never started arguing in the first place. He wishes they could just figure everything out. The two stared at everything around the room, anything but each other, but never focused on anything other than each other. 

    Eventually, Jared gave in and patted the spot next to him, wanting to have Evan there. He was reluctant, but sat anyway, avoiding eye contact. He felt so many emotions at once, but for some reason he felt like he couldn't feel anything at all. "I don't want to break up with you," Evan whispered. They both hated that it had come to this. Where they had to take in consideration of leaving each other because they couldn't figure out their issues, or their own personal issues for that matter. 

    Jared shook his head, "I don't either." He shifted and forced himself into Evan's arms, resting his head on his shoulder, gripping at the sides of Evan's hoodie. They both had on an Evan hoodie. It didn't fail to make Jared feel worse. It was the small things that Jared would miss the most. Holding hands in public, wearing each other's clothes without asking, then pretending to be annoyed once they found out the other had stolen it right after they were looking for it. It's hard to see how much you enjoy the little things like that until it's being taken away. 

    Evan wrapped his arms around the smaller, desperate not to let the tears fall. Taking in each other's warmth, feeling the other as close as possible was seemingly all they needed in the moment. Neither wanted to break the comforting silence, wanting to take it in as much as they could. Regardless of what they wanted, they couldn't have it forever. 

    "We really can't keep doing this, Ev."

    "I know- I just," he paused, thinking how to say what he felt. "We can pretend. Pretend that we're okay, while we're in the moment. Just.. I don't know." His grip on Jared tightened, the lump in his throat making it impossibly hard to breathe. His chest squeezed and ached, longing for things to go back to the way they were before. "I don't care if you lie to me right now. I want to lie. I want to act like," his voice cracked, a choked sob coming through. "Like we're okay. Because I want us to be. I really don't want to leave you."  

    Jared nodded, moving to where his forehead was rested on Evan's chest. "We can't do that forever, though," he said, looking up. "We can try harder to figure things out. If you're willing to." 

    "I do. I want to."

    "I love you," Jared sat up more and kissed Evan's cheek. "I'm not lying when I say that." 

    Evan smiled, the tears that had been in his eyes finally fell. "I love you, too," his voice was hushed but he meant it entirely. Neither of them were completely okay, but they could manage. They'd stuck with each other through the hell of senior year, and after, before then, even. Maybe, just maybe, they'd be able to get through this, too. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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