A Sign Name?

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     Jared Kleinman was born deaf. Luckily, he was able to get cochlear implants, allowing him to hear. 

     He's always known quite a bit of sign, considering the extra class he's had to take since elementary with other students who too were deaf or hard of hearing. His parents were also always teaching him new signs, some he even learned on his own time.

     He's never really thought about giving anyone outside of his family a sign name, not that he's really had to. There was already a sign for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, ect. There's also those cousins that he's never even spoken to, too.  

     Maybe giving his boyfriend one would be a good start.


     Jared had walked outside of the building, not even knowing what it was called. All he knew is that they did speech therapy, something Jared went to every two weeks. He was actually planning to drop it pretty soon. He felt like he didn't actually need it all that much anymore, and he didn't want to go to it, either. Not because it was out of the way, but because he felt weird going there because of his age. I mean, absolutely he would see other teenagers, even adults at rare times, go in for an appointment of their own. But around 90% of the time, it was all kids.  

     He's gotten a lot better with words and pronunciation compared to when he was younger, when it was hard for anyone to make out what he was saying. Perks of being deaf. It didn't help that for a while, Jared refused to speak unless he absolutely had to, which started around the 5th grade. He was tired of kids asking him why his voice sounded so weird, what the weird blinking things on his head were, making fun of the way he talked and struggled with pronouncing words. 

     He was about to pull out his phone to text his beloved boyfriend, Evan, where he was. He was supposed to pick him up since his mom ended up having to take his car because hers was being accompanied by his dad or something. Although, Evan did have to leave right after he dropped Jared off to help his mom with something back at his house. Saying as she got a well deserved day off today.

     As soon as Jared got it phone out, Evan had pulled up, unlocking the door of his mother's car. "Hey," Evan greeted as Jared got in the car.
     "Hey," Jared said as he fastened his seatbelt.
"Your house?" He asked.

     "I figured. I can take you to your house if you want, too," Evan said, moving to take Jared's hand in his. Something that Jared would never stop enjoying. He adored going on car rides with Evan, there was always some form of physical touch. Whether it be hand holding or one of their hands placed on the other's leg, Jared loved it. 

     "No, your house. I want to stay with you longer."

     Evan smiled and nodded, not taking his eyes off the road, though when they were stopped at a light, he leaned over and gave Jared a kiss on his cheek. Another thing Jared loved. He prayed that the butterflies he felt around this man would never go away. It was always baffling to think that he was even dating him in the first place. And they've been dating for around 9 months? 10 months? The dates were groggy, all they knew is that it's almost been a year. 

    "Anything interesting happen?" Evan asked, trying to start up a conversation. Not that the silence was unbearable or anything.

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