The one bed & liquid courage thing

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I stared at the mirror in the bathroom, and I couldn’t believe it.

We were sleeping in the same bed!

Now, granted, Zayn and I had slept in the same bed before when we were younger. We had seen each other naked too.

But not as adults. 

Not as two full-grown men adults, 28 and 30 years old respectively, sleeping together in one space. 

Should I wear my full pyjamas like an idiot or just a shirt and pants? Would he find me too forward if I came out in my boxers?

Look at me feeling stupid not knowing what to wear to fucking sleep!

Outside the rain kept pouring heavily, without indication of a pause. Thunder kept brewing in the sky and the wind had picked up in the last hour. We had warned the boys we had been left stranded, but that we were close, and we’d roll on over in the morning. Hopefully, everything would have passed by then and the roads would be clear.

We talked for a while, without a real topic in mind. I guess we were trying to navigate this space we’d be sharing for one night, making it as less awkward as possible.

I began to feel sleep knocking at my door, so I got up from the bed to find my belongings. I kept my bag near the sofa, searching for something to wear, while Zayn spoke to his mum on the phone retelling the trip and the adventure it was to get there.

“Yeah, he’s here.” He announced. I looked up and saw him sitting on the bed barefoot. His hair was still damp, with a towel around his neck. “Looking right at me.”

Who?” I whispered. 

Mum,” He whispered back. “Yeah. He picked me up. He did a great job driving under the heavy rain. Sure. Hang on.” 

Zayn’s stretched out his phone and smirked. I got up, walked to him, and took the phone from his hand. 


Harry!” I had always been close to Zayn’s mum. She was a kind woman, who reminded me a lot of my own. While growing we stayed at each other's houses and our families would often visit. Trisha thanked me for picking up Zayn and complimented my driving skills - as if she had been in the car with me. As I talked, I wandered about the room looking at my feet. I stood on the fluffy carpet, wiggling my toes, and blushing at the sea of compliments coming to my ear. “Oh, he has missed you a lot. All of you. You especially, though.”

“Really?” I asked. “I had no idea.”

Every time we talked, he’d wonder about you or talk about you. He missed you, dear.”

“I can imagine,” When I looked at Zayn, he was staring at me. My heart dropped to my feet. “I missed him too.”

We spoke a little bit more, but eventually, I handed back the phone so the mother could speak to her son. I walked back to the sofa, retrieved my bag, and went into the bathroom to prepare for bed.

I had been in the bathroom for a solid twenty minutes.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got dressed. Zayn was in the bedroom, but the conversation had ended and now I could hear the soft hum of the TV. I knew he was probably in bed keeping up with the news, as the ever-curious mind and unable to face silence. A mind like his was always working and silence could be deafening. 

My heart was drumming against my chest, and I was trembling all over. He was going to sleep next to me. Hear me breathe, snore and make sleeping sounds. I don’t think I’d be able to sleep. 

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