The now and forever thing

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I didn't toss the robot.

I mean, it was too fucking cool for me to toss it out! Instead, I left it in the trunk of Harry's car. I planned to tame him in such a way, that when he noticed the robot in the trunk...he wouldn't complain. It was more than enough deal.

It was cold outside, the winter was coming and it would be unyielding. I took a walk around the block, spoke to my mum for a while and checked in with my sisters. On my way home, I walked past the drugstore and decided to buy a little liquid courage, in case it was necessary. I entered the store, searching for some booze to get us going and found the same brand of whiskey we drank in the hotel. Why not? It was supposed to be a fun night.

I paid, then made my way back home fighting the cold with every step. I got to the building, opened the door, rode the elevator and got off on our floor. I opened the door to the flat, finding it emerged in the darkness. The only light was from the bedroom, where the door was ajar.

I admit I was already tingling.

I closed the door behind me, took off my shoes, and my coat and held the booze in hand.



I wandered back to the room with cautious steps.

"Are you... decent?"

"Hm...I think so."


I placed one hand on the door to push inside...

"Wait!" Harry demanded from inside the bedroom and I froze on the other side of the door. He sounded nervous and I heard the bed shriek a little. "I'm...Oh my God...I'm nervous, Zayn."

"Why are you nervous?"

"I don't know. I fear you'll...find me ridiculous...I don't know...I'm just... anxious about this..."

He was too sweet and too adorable. I could feel this was a serious moment for him and I wanted to make him comfortable. Harry had never shown this side of himself to anyone. I was the first one with access to his secret. I didn't want him to fear me or to be uncomfortable in any shape or form.

"Baby, if you're not comfortable..."

"No,'s just..." I heard him breathe deeply and I could almost bet he was nervously touching his hair. "I'm...I don't want you to think I'm some kind of freak..."

"Harry, I would never think that. Never. But, if you're not okay, we can do this some other time. At your pace. It's okay..."

"No, no...I want to do this. I just...I'm just nervous."

"You can trust me."

Seconds dragged on in silence, where I knew - I just knew! - Harry was taking time to prepare himself.

"Okay," He let out finally. "Come in. But...Please...don't laugh or anything."

I pushed the door gently, my eyes scanning the room.

That's when I saw him.

And to say he looked incredible...was an understatement.

I had no idea what to take in first: maybe the spiked dog collar on his neck? The tight mini checkered pink skirt cinched at his waist? How wild his curls were, framing his face perfectly? Maybe the handcuffs, blindfold and lube perfectly aligned in front of him? Or the fact that he was presenting like a perfect little thing, sitting back on his ankles?

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