The boyfriend thing

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The stag party went by like a blur. We drank, we partied, and we laughed. A beautiful weekend with my friends and my secret boyfriend. 

We celebrated the ending of Louis's stag life. The crazy boy from Doncaster was no longer available - not that he ever was - he would be shackled down. Tied up. Eleanor had gotten him, after ups and downs and arguments. I was genuinely happy for him and so was Louis. He had started to refer to Eleanor as his wife, talking about her mother as 'mother-in-law' and genuinely happy to join families. He was a grown man now. 

Even though I was happy for my best friend and his upcoming wedding, I was nervous too. Zayn and I had agreed to be discreet. Meaning, we would keep to ourselves, finding solace in glances and shy smiles when no one was looking. I needed to look at him as my friend Zayn for a while, not as my boyfriend. 

On that Saturday, we had lunch with Liam manning the grill. We made enough food for dinner and lunch, paired with some beers. Zayn and I sat on opposite sides: Louis at the head of the table with a paper crown on his head and a pair of fake boobs strapped to his chest. I was at his right and Zayn was sitting across from me, at Louis's left.

For the duration of the late lunch, we were discreet. Even though we couldn't reach out to one another or kiss, we would play with our feet. I was barefoot, while Zayn had some loafers on, so I would rest my feet on his or touch my toes on the back of my leg. All of this, while smiling and talking to Louis. I was becoming a master. Whenever Zayn was talking to someone else, I would just watch him. Gawk at his beauty and how he had been mine. 

I shouldn't stare. 

But he was so beautiful-

"Stop..." Louis whispered at my side, and I looked at him. "You're being too obvious."

"What do you mean?"

"I know that you two..." Louis wiggled his eyebrows, and I opened my mouth to refute. "Shhhh... it's fine. I'm happy for you, but please stop staring."


"Zayn told me."


"There's a hickey the size of a coin on your neck, Harry."

"I mean..."

"It's fine, Hazza. It's fine. You're happy, so it's fine."


"But, can you hold off the news know, the party is over? It's my stag party, mate."

"Of course."

"Thank you and..." Louis whispered towards me. "Cool off with the staring. You look like a creep."

I couldn't, though. 

My baby was beautiful, and my heart drummed whenever he looked at me. I tried not to blush or laugh at his ridiculous and not-that-funny jokes. I felt floating in the sky with love. 


Since Liam and Zayn had manned the grill, it was up to me and Niall to do the dishes, while the rest of the boys cleaned. The weather seemed nice, and we believed most of the damage done by the bad weather had cleared, so we could resume the plan for the hike.

In the kitchen, there was this massive window over the sink overlooking the pool.

I saw Oliver, Brad and Luke sitting down with their feet in the water talking casually about something, while Louis played with the stereo to get some music going. It all seemed fine if it weren't for Zayn and Xander, who was standing by talking. 

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