The discreet thing

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We weren't that far from the house where Louis and the boys were staying. About forty minutes or so away.

However, it took us hours to get there.

Firstly, we needed to have breakfast in bed - we had skipped dinner the previous night and we were both starving.

I showed some of my charms to the woman that welcomed us, begging her to allow me to take some food upstairs for Harry. I claimed he had a rough night because we essentially skipped dinner due to the storm and he was afraid of thunder. I fluttered my eyelashes at her and used my sweet voice. Complimented her a little bit and, in the end, I walked up with a platter full of food for us.

We ate like kings sitting on the bed. I kissed him insanely, tasting the food off his lips and on his fingertips. I fed him his eggs, poured him coffee and even peeled his banana, but watched with curiosity - perhaps a little disgust as well - as he ate a plate full of beans.

"You're so weird," I commented looking at him. "Beans?"

"It's very British, you know?"

"Again..." I repeated. "Weird."

"Shut up."

"I mean, seriously-"

"I don't eat meat, Zayn. I need fibre and other elements to keep me going."

"And you go with beans?"

"Stop judging me. Don't think I didn't see the pack of cigarettes in your bag."

"I'm quitting."


"I promise you, I am," I added. "Doesn't make your toast, beans and eggs combo less weird, though."

We loved a bit more. I was not tired of kissing Harry, in fact, the more I kissed him the more I liked it and wanted him. We said 'I love you' so many times I lost count. It took us so long to pack, get dressed and leave the room. Even in the hallway, I kissed Harry again, as if the kisses had a deadline.

However, when we came down the stairs, we were composed - acting as mates. The hotel had other guests - some I was sure had heard us last night - and we needed to be controlled in public.

"How was your stay?" The woman asked with a loving smile.

"Wonderful," Harry replied. "Definitely a night to remember."

"Oh, yes your friend here told me you had a hard time sleeping because of the storm."

"Yeah..." Harry commented, looking at me sideways. "The storm kept me up."

"He's afraid of thunder..." I joked.

The woman pouted towards Harry, while my boyfriend kicked me discreetly, making me wince.

We paid for our stay (which was a little overpriced), then grabbed our belongings and headed out of the hotel. The day was beautiful and warm. The storm seemed to be so far gone.

We took the short walk back to the car, smiling at one another and excited for what was to come. We had a hitch in our step and confidence in our spirits.

However, it would not be that easy.

The second reason for our delay was the car. As soon as we got closer to it, Harry's face fell.

"Oh no..." The car was deep in the mud, with tree branches and leaves covering the roof. It had a layer of dirt over it, giving it a terrible look. Good news? It still had its least. "Why? Just...why?"

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