The talk PT1

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                                                                             No ones pov

A few hour after everyone fell asleep they all awoke. Slowly blinking and enjoying the warmth.

 Then the silence was broken by Minho ''I think we all need to talk a bit more in depth as some

 new stuff has come up. I don't want anyone to be scared or hurt by the new info as it was over

 heard.'' Jisung knew what it was as he took a sharp breath and looked at his hands. Minho

 continued. ''Prince can I tell the rest?'' A nod came from the youngest omega. ''So I think this

 was briefly addressed before when Chan Hyung and Jisung ah told us they were omegas. Jisung

 did not react well when he presented taking to many heat and scent suppressors daily before

 trying to take his own life when he was younger. And he has yet to go to see if he can ever have

 his own pups do to him being scared and taking the pills. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to go

 and see now my prince? Do not forget you can always say no and the topic will be dropped.''

 Minho spoke softly but his voice shook at the mention of the overdose. 

Jisung took note of the shaking voice. Trying to think of words to say he opened and closed his

 mouth not trusting his voice. After a few minutes of silence Jisung finally spoke. '' I was scared

 then when I took to many of the pills. They wanted me to be seen by a fertility doctor to do

 invasive tests that I didn't understand and no one would help explain them to me. So I ran and

 never found out if I could ever have pups. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself before

 taking all the pills over time. Beg someone to help and no one stopped me. But I am here now. I

 am not a new person but I am a new mate. I do wanna know but I am terrified Chan Hyung had

 the tests done that they wanted to do on younger me done and offered to help me go to the

 same doctor. I do want to find out since I had a normal heat I want to be hopeful but I am

 absolutely terrified. I will go in a few weeks. I would love pups whether they were mine or Chan

 Hyungs we would be a mother. I am sorry.'' He spoke soft and shaky. 

It wasn't long before Jisung himself began to shake from his anxiety. He was pulled to his eldest

 alpha mate and scented on his lap until he began to calm down the tears were not going

 anywhere soon. ''You have nothing to apologize for you were scared Hyung. No matter what

 happens we will support you.'' Jeonin said looking at the elder as he comforted Hyunjin and

 Felix to help stop their sobs. Chan spoke ''I can call and make an appointment for 3 weeks out

 sungie. Also its super late we all slept the day away. So do you all want me to order takeout?''

 Jisung smiled at the eldest before a mix of yes Hyung/and yes love came. ''What does everyone

 want?'' Minho asked before slipping the phone with the delivery placed into Chans hand so he

 would pay instead of Chan. ''Can we  do Mcdonalds? I would like Nuggets and chips.'' Felix

 asked letting his small sniffles be heard looking at his puffy eyes everyone instantly agreed

 Hyunjin was sound asleep from crying. His head resting on the maknaes chest with his tear

 stained cheeks and puffy eyes on display. Everyone one knew he would want Mcdonalds as it

 was his favorite. While placing the freaking huge order Chan thought about asking to be a pack

 again he really wanted them to all be there just right now wasn't the time. He let everyone know

 that the food was on its way.

He chose to say something no one expected. ''Does anyone have any other secrets before

 anyone else gets hurt or cries. I hate you being sad so I want to get the sadness out of the way.

 and you all know mine and Sungies history lets share more.'' With a hum of agreements it was

 once again the youngest who broke the silence. ''When I presented as an Alpha in a beta family

 it was a huge shock. I went from getting all the attention and cuddles to others doing it because

 they feared me. When I told my family I was leaving nothing was said. But as soon as I closed the

 front door I heard them cheering that I left.'' A tear rolled down his cheek. Minho's heart hurt.

 Everyone hurt by hearing that. 

No one knew when Hyunjin woke up. He just quietly kissed his

 tears away. Before speaking himself. '' I was used for money my whole childhood. I had greedy

 parents who would gaslight me on everything I did,wore,ate,said. It finally ended when they

 sent me here expecting me to give them everything I made. But I changed my name  name and

 got my own bank account once I was of age. I was Choi Yoogeun but he is dead now I am Hwang

 Hyunjin and I am learning to love myself as I am not just a face.'' Felix  kissed him softly on the

 lips. ''You are all so brave.''

What really shattered their hearts was what their little puppy had to say. '' I  am not sure how I

 hid this from you all. I was beat growing up before I presented  the givers of my birth thought I

 looked to feminine and decided I was an omega. They sold me to random creeps to feed their

 addictions. I presented early at 12. The trama gets me a lot some days. They whipped me on my

 stomach and thighs. It was so much I went rogue. I really honestly didn't know what happened

 when I came back there was so much blood.'' Chan pulled the younger in kissing his head and

 wiping his tears. Everyone was crying not a single eye was dry. Seungmin took a deep breath ''I

 want to show you. The scars they are pretty bad.'' he stood in front of his mates and pulled his

 jumper off before pulling his pants to his knees showing them his bare skin. 

The harsh jagged scars littered all over his torso and only stopped mid thigh the worst ones were

 on his pubic bone. ''Baby I am so glad you trusted us to tell such a hard thing my brave puppy.''

 Chanbin stood up pulling the younger into a tight hug and kissed all over his face. A smile was

 creeping onto Seungmins face as he chirped. Alphas only did that when they were safe and

 content. Huge smiles and hugs were exchanged. Minhos phone chimed letting him know the

 food was here. So he went to get it quickly before his mates seen he was gone. Once back Chan

 seen him with the food before looking at the phone that rested in the alphas hand. Realizing he

 was fooled he blushed and Minho smirked and kissed his head. ''Lets eat and finish telling our

 stories.'' Felix proposed 

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