Jisungs waters broke

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                                                                       NO POV
It had been 2 days passed Jisungs due date with the triplet pups. And this morning he felt off he

 did not know why but he felt hot and crampy. But he just assumed he got a cold or something

 and made a cup of tea and some chicken porridge to relax his body. Minho came home from

 getting the groceries and hiding the rings when he seen Jisung who was clearly uncomfortable.

 ''Hey Sungie baby are you okay?'' He asked full of concern. The younger omega started to

 respond-''Yeah i'm oka-'' before a huge gush wet the omega. ''Baby your water just broke

 omgfgnfjsdb!!!'' Of course Hyunjin came in at the wrong moment with his dramatic ass as Minho

 helped the pregnant omega undress and get comfortable. 

Chan and Changbin head everything and helped by putting this weeks groceries away. And

 prepping a snack for the younger omega since he was gonna need all the strength he could get.

 Hyunjin was still being super dramatic. Jeonin took control and called Dr.Xaoi who told him to

 make sure Jisung drinks lots of water and gets as comfortable as he can and to rub his hips. The

 youngest alpha of the mates relayed it to his older mates and they all got to work.

Chan finished prepping the snacks and drinks for his mate in labor. Jeonin grabbed towels for

 the birth and labor. Felix was already crying and rubbing Jisungs back to help the best he can.

Hyunjin was sent outside to collect Jisungs favorite flowers from the garden. Changbin kept

 whispering encouraging words to Jisung. Seungmin sang softly with Baekdae and Baekgook

 and as for the other two pups Baekhwon and Baekhyeon they were sound asleep on their play

 mats. And Minho got the rings put into his pocket while everyone was running around to help

 the now in pain and panicking omega. 

                                                   TIME SKIP

Four long hours had finally passed and  Chan was now coaching the breathing. Since Jeonin felt

 bad seeing Jisung in so much pain. Everyone knew Jisung could not handle pain very well so

 with his labor being back labor and front. He was pretty convinced he was dying even with Chan

 telling him other wise. Realistically Jisung knew he was in fact not dying but he sure felt like he


Dr.Xaoi would be there in the next 2-3 hours since he left the clinic in the middle of soul

 fully in his own mates care and the staff obviously. And he made sure to call each hour to check

 on Jisung since he went over his due date. Causing a surprise since no one expected it with his

 unfortunate history. So the 7 mates helped their 8th mate get more comfortable and remind

 him to pant through his contractions. And Lixie being Lixie kept gushing and telling Jisung how

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