Nest (member updates/filler)

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Jisung is now 4 weeks away from his due date with the triplets and he is nesting hard the pups

that have been born  are nearing their 6 weeks and they are growing amazing. Their little gurgles

 make the 8 mates smile daily. And they all took turns sleeping or taking a long nap so everyone

 was well rested Jisung has been nesting alot lately and his mates picked up on it and he added

 on to the nest in the living room and almost always slept in the nest. His belly was huge and the

 pups are always active causing him super bad round ligament pain. He was told that the

 expected date was four months away but to not get his hopes up and that the triplet pups could

 be born at any time due to his history. 

So the younger omega snuggled the older Omega and the quadruplets for comfort in the nest.

 All 6 of their alphas loved to watch then. Chan helped rubJisungs belly to calm the pups so he

 could sleep and the Alphas all picked up on it and helped the younger omega by doing the same

 when the tripletes didnt wanna calm down. Since Jisung was smaller the pregnancy with triplet

 pups was hard on his body he knew he was. due anytime now. Because Dr.Xaoi told him he was

 5cm yesterday. 

So Everyone is so excited. Hyunjin painted the quad pups names above their cribs and he

 couldn't help but add the little animals in each crib to their name murals. And he was very 

 excited to paint the triplets name  once the omegas announced the names of the pups. 

Now Changbin the 'I like the dark' was always snuggling the pups and buying things constantly

 for them he spent 3 million won on toys and cloths and custom puzzles and books for all the

 pups now did he tell any of his mates this? No he just did a little shopping online he bought

 Jisung a birthing ball to help his mates hips  in a hope to help with the pain the pups are causing

 his body.

Since alphas don't nest (unless your Felix) Chan helped collect the worn clothing for the nest. In

 preparation for the newest members. Chan would walk carrying one or two of his four pups

 collecting the requesting clothing and blankets with Jisung. Sometimes both Omegas would

 carry all the pups together two together. Since both of the older Omegas collect Breast Milk and

 colostrum they have a small freezer filled with milk for all 7 of their pups.

Minho's been cooking more  and the maids come and clean the kitchen to help the mates. The

 pups are still put in the room with Minhos childhood maid and the adult Omegas. The 8 mates

 have been eating alot of meats lately since two of them breastfeed they have been hungry alot

 more and eating more.

Chan still has a soft belly and when he feels insecure of his soft tummy and stretch marks one of

 his mates makes sure he loves himself. ( they made sure to ask Dr.Xaoi for permission first.) And

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