Strawberry Cheesecake

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Its been two weeks since Chan gave birth to the four pups who were growing and gurgling the 8

parents are beyond happy with their sons. Now they have 9 Male Alphas and 3 male Omegas. It

was a shock to have a male Omega pup as it was quite rare for males to be born. But he was still

loves and as tiny as he was at birth he ate plenty. Chan nursed and pumped constantly they

even froze some of the milk just incase. Since the pups were still small they ate .5-1 oz of milk

during a feeding so they have plenty frozen.

And Jisung started to leak more since he now has only two months left before his pups are born.

The poor younger omega was struggling all he wanted was strawberry cheese cake but it made

him sicker than a dog so he settled for strawberries but it wasn't the same so he cried. And his

mates and pups comforted him as best as they could. But his hormones were a mess and Jisung

cried alot and he still gets sick all day but not everyday just 4-5 times a week he is puking all day

everyday and the hardest part about his hormones was how horny he was. He teased Minho

24/7 to get some kind of pleasure but its normally Chan or Felix sucking the younger off. Jisung

has been punished by Minho almost everyday for the last two weeks.

Since it was risky to have sex due to Jisungs past he can only get fingered or sucked off and

sometimes a good jerk and Chan was not cleared to do any nasty so everyone suffered. So when

the pups napped blowjobs and handjobs were given a bunch.

Since they were often sleep deprived due to their careers the pups barley added into it they all

took turns with giving the pups breast milk from a bottle or getting them to nurse off one of the

sleeping omegas. Even if they were on a hiatus they continued to write music for a big

comeback. Their hyungs and noonas congratulated them ( the ones they told). And their BTS

hyungs asked if they could have play dates as Yoongi is having twin pups (I am a slut for

uncommon bottoms) and ofcourse they said yes since they will have so much fun growing up

together and BTS have a pup from Namjoon a little Alpha daughter named Bomi-Song and she

was turning 2 soon.

Times were amazing their cameras were filled with the pups and they bought a new phone for

their insta to chat to their fans they decided to see if their pups wanted to be brought into the

fame spotlight and not put them in it at a young age. But it was amazing Minho gloats about

delivering the pups on his own and how Hyunjin almost fainted seeing the blood and pups

come out of Chan.

Jisung was so anxious to give birth his anxiety has been 10 million times worse while being

pregnant and he is hard to calm down once he starts to panic. But his mates helped calm his

nerves his belly was growing with the pups and he loved watching the pups move whether they

were in his womb or Chans womb. Jeonin, Felix and Seungmin loved to to story time and take

turns reading to all 7 pups and Changbin has become a super snuggle butt and chirps at the

pups all the time and he normally does not show that level but everyone seen him chirp a lot

after the first 4 pups were born. And it was super cute all the mates are in love with being parents.

Minho became super protective of his pups and his mates and made sure everyone was fed well

the breast milk for the pups and he makes so much food for his mates 4 meal and snacks each

day and trying to find a strawberry cheesecake substitute for his pregnant Sungie. He hasn't not

found a suitable substitute for the Omega. Hyunjin has not stopped smiling even when the

pups crying in the night sometimes he cries because he now has a family who wants him they

wanna protect him and he wants to protect them. He loves to snuggle the pups with Felix. They

all grew amazing as parents. And the pups all grew .5-2lbs in the last two weeks gaining their

birth weight and some.

If asked the mates will tell you that the pups don't really cry a lot at night its buying weekly

diapers and trying not to sob to see how fast the pups are growing and how soon they will have

Sungies pups too. Its a chaotic mess but they wouldn't change it Minho only lets one of the

maids near the pups as she used to care for him when he was little and respected his pups

boundaries he hid the pups in their room when any of the others came declining their entry. He

called the elderly maid his Halmoni since her and his real grandmother raised him to be the

strong Alpha he is now since his own parents are horrible.

Since having the pups Minho got a security gate that would only let you in if someone on the

inside lets you in only Halmoni had access to the house with the pin pad on the gate. He did this

for extra privacy so that they can walk all over their property in privacy. Changbin and Hyunjin

hired 15 bodyguards around the property. They had four by the gate making sure if any

unwanted and unexpected people that they did not want them there. And the other 11 were all

over making sure no cameras or people were on the property.

So far everyone was happy and healthy in this family and now they are waiting for their other

children to be born and become an even bigger family. Felix is trying to convince his mates that

they need just 1 more pup but so far he has not been successful. Chan said ''not now lixxie we

have 4 newborns and we will have 3 more in two months wait a while.'' But that was better than

nothing after giving birth and breastfeeding Chan knew he was gonna have heat soon. And he

mentally prepared himself for even more pups.

Life was now more beautiful and amazing with their babies now here and they would never

change when they had pups in their lives. But for now they just need to be patient for the

youngest three pups to come into the world. So they just snuggled the thick haired pups and

sungies belly for the time being before the youngest three could get snuggles in person.

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