The talk PT2

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                                                                                  No pov 

Chan handed out the food and the drinks. Everyone got almost the same variation. Nuggets just

 different dipping sauces. Burgers with added and removed toppings. And a good selection of

 orange hi-c and sprite and Felixs apple juice that he had to have. While everyone was munching

 away Chan said that we can finish the past talks so we can  have a cuddle pile. The others

 agreeing. So Felix decided to talk.

'' I don't know where to start. But my family thought I was an omega my whole life. So when I

 presented it was a huge shock. I was given this cold shoulder. No one wanted to put food up so I

 could eat after cram school and work. It is kinda funny tho as my family is all alphas.'' A sad

 laugh came from his lips  before he continued. '' One day I came home from work after my cram

 school to an empty house. My parents took my sisters and left. I never got to be around my

 younger sister to bond with her. The only person I had was my older sister. And she left me a

 note. Just telling me she would come back. I sold the house and moved to Seoul from Australia.

 I had to buy two suitcases one for my clothing and the other for my decorations and my stuffed

 animals. I didn't know any korean when I came here but here I am.'' Felix wiped his tears as

 Changbin kissed his head and hugged him. All the members knew why Felix was so clingy. He

 was scared that they would leave him too. ''I was abandoned at 15. My sister hasn't reached out

 to me since. And even if she did I feel like I would push her away. I am 22 now with the best

 mates. I am an Idol so it would not be hard to find me if she really cared.'' Felix said almost


The members heart broke again. They all had the worst pasts and there was more to share.

 Changbin decided to speak since he was holding Felix he needed to get his past out or he would

 cry again. Taking in a deep shaky breath before he spoke. ''I come from a rich greedy family.

 They were perfectionists hair and nails perfect always no wrinkles in clothing no slouching. But I

 was the one they hated bringing out side I was not perfect the way they wanted. I gained weight

 easy. I wasn't built how they wanted me to be. They called me names growing up and no one

 did anything. I was locked in the attic they took my bedroom as a punishment because I gained

 weight. I was kept in the attic 23 hours a day only allowed to comedown to use the toilet. They

 didn't let me do anything I got scraps every few days the servants and maids were treated better

 than their own son. Cause of my malnutrition I presented late just shy of my 17th birthday. So I

 took 2 million won and ran. I waited for 3 days no one even knew I ran away. They had the news

 say that I died. You know its funny they had the perfect hair,nails,skin,house,cars,daughter. But

 their son wasn't perfect enough for them. If I am being honest their personalities are not perfect

 either. I still have issues with food. I eat fast and alot at a time because in my mind it can be

 taken away from me at anytime and I wont get anymore for long periods of time. Once I broke a

 cup and didn't get food for 8 days. I was scared I was gonna die they let me have water as

 covering my 10 year old body up would cause issues.'' Changbin spoke calm but shaky more

 tears covering his beautiful face.

Being given a  warm hug from both of his hyungs it was now the eldest alphas turn. The room

 quiet other than the sniffles coming from the most emotional of the mates. ''I was raised by my

 grandmother. My mother and Father ran away leaving me in my grandmothers care. They

 weren't young. I guess they just did not love me. And that's fine I met them when I was small

 and they tried too give me a poison it did not cause me any permanent damage. I had a

 emergency surgery to take care of anything that was causing further issues. Now I have a large

 scar on my abdomen. It has been over 15 years and the scars still huge. After my parents gave

 me the poison my grandmother officially disowned them. She left everything of hers to me for

 when she was no longer here. I kept it all. I can not bring myself to get rid of any of it. I- I just

 realized that I now own her house its in the country but it has 6 rooms the main room was a

 huge traditional room. I would love to show you all it my grandmother wanted a large

 traditional house to be kept in my bloodline. Sorry I went off topic I don't really have too much

 to say my parents have only begged for money over  the years making piss poor excuses as to

 why they ran. But I have my mates and soon hope to make you all my pack. I love you all more

than anything in life.'' Minho finished with a soft smile. 

I love yous were exchanged with a lot of kisses and snuggles. Felix still slowly sipping away at his

 apple juice with a  puffy tear stained face. Everyone talked about how they wanted to be pack

 mates and it was officially decided that Minho would be the pack alpha. They would do the pack

 ritual after jisungs appointment so they can all rest and snuggle together. And the eldest

 member of stray kids decided to talk lifting his head off Seungmins chest. ''I would love to see

 yours and your grandmothers home Min. If that is okay?'' Chan spoke softly looking at the

 second oldest.  ''Okay I will bring us all there to see if you like the house. If you do we can work

 on moving in after we talk to manager nim. And you all can meet Soonie,Doonie, and baby Dori

 My fur babies. they live there I pay the maids to feed them and clean the house. I will make sure

 you all have snacks its a long drive. We can go there the day after the pack rituals so we are all

 rested and Jisungies mind will be at ease. Okay my loves?'' He spoke. 

The maknae line were sound asleep and Changbin was almost asleep he was sandwiched  in the

 oldest twos  arms ''Sleep Binnie you need it.'' Chan said kissing his head. Soon after the words

 were said Binnie humed in delight and fell asleep. Minho and Chan exchanged a few kissed

 before Minho fell sound asleep. Chan made Jisungs appointment in two weeks and soon fell

 asleep with his soulmates. While all the mates were in dreamland they all dreamed of having a

 big beautiful home with a decent handful of pups running all over. Soon they hoped those

 dreams would become memories that that they made in real life with their pups. Little did they

 know what the future had held for them.

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