Jisungs test

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Today was Jisungs testing for the pups. To say he was nervous was an understatement. The

 younger omega clung to Chan and Minho for comfort so much Seungmin made them smoothies

 and fried eggs for breakfast. Due to the eldest alpha unable to get up. So with their small

 breakfast the 8 mates decided Minho should be the only one cooking because Felix burned toast

 trying to help Seungmin. So having a snacking and takeout day was in the cards for after

 Jisungs home testing and a possible Vlive later as it has been months and Chan was due to pop

 soon. But they decided to chat about it later.

After a couple hours of Chan force feeding his mates some watermelon there was a knock.

 Hyunjin answered it as he was the current target to be force fed watermelon. ''Hello doctor.''

 Hyunjin greeted. Jisungs hands felt so sweaty. All the younger omega could do was swallow his

 spit and quietly greet the doctor with his mates. ''Hello Chan, Have you come up with a birth

 plan yet? We can look at both of your wombs to see pups if you all wanted.'' Dr. Xaoi said with a

 warm smile on his face. ''Hello Doctor and yes I have made my birth plan  I wish to give birth

 with my mates but have a doctor on speed dial for any potential complications. And if my mates

 would like to see then we can. But I don't wanna know any genders or sub genders just yet just

 the number so we can get more cribs.'' Chan replied with a soft smile holding Jisungs hands.

 ''Sounds like a great plan. Both of you can ask any birth questions along with your mates. Now

 ready to see some pups and a few quick exams.'' The doctor said after setting up his portable

 ultrasound machine. A mix of yes and been so ready came from the 8.

Dr.Xaoi took Jisungs blood pressure and checked his heart and lungs before asking him to lay on

 the recliner and get comfy. ''So we might see some genders or  a blood test that could

 determine  sub genders for you Jisung. Would you like to know?'' ''I wanna know for the pups in

 my womb. I am nervous I think  it will help my nerves.'' Jisung said getting comfortable ''Sounds

 good we can definitely look to see. Lets see some pups. Just a heads up this will be cold and I

 will print pictures for you and your mates.'' Jisung nodded holding Chans hand after pulling up

 his shirt. 

The room got quiet before hearing little heart beats thumping and little pups wiggling and

 kicking. Jisung was sobbing watching his little pups. ''So it looks like triplets and I see one little

 boy for certain the other two are being silly and crossing their legs.'' Dr. Xaoi printed 20 pictures

 and kept trying to look for the other genders of the little pups growing in Jisungs womb.  After

 about 45 minutes  ''Well they are being stubborn so lets try again in a couple weeks if you want.

 I will say that they are happy and healthy jumping and kicking and based on the time frame you

 gave for conception I would say they are ahead of schedule and you told me a month they look

 to be 1.5 months. Lets do the blood test I will have results tomorrow.  '' Jisung smiled at his

 mates through his tears as his finger was pricked and the blood extracted. And agreed for a

 second ultrasound.

Hyunjin was crying holding Felix. As the omegas swapped places. The same tests being done.

 ''Lets see your pups Mr.Chan and mates.'' Chan giggled at the last part of the doctors words. ''I

 see 4 pups. 4 very healthy pups showing their genders. I know you said you wanted a surprise so

 I will print the pictures and keep the gender ones in a envelope.'' Chan smiled at the doctor and

 the alphas now were bragging on who was right on how many pups they were gonna have and

 those who were wrong were sulking. Jisung and Chan kissed all their mates and thanked the


''Before I go Jisung have you any birth plan you want to tell me about? It is okay if you don't'' Dr.

 Xaoi asked ''I think given my history I  want  a homebirth with a doctor to help. I am okay with a

 hospital birth but I think I would be more at ease at home.'' Jisung spoke confidently with the

 doctor now knowing they would have 7 little puppies soon. ''Sounds perfect call the clinic and

 we can get a second home ultrasound visit to see your sons siblings genders.'' Dr.Xaoi greeted

 everyone as they left. After more happy tears were shed and pictures looked at. They ordered

 bibimbap for lunch  cause why not. And a lot of snuggles were received and everyone was

 beyond excited. Chatting away while eating their dinner. They went to the pond to feed the

 ducks and enjoy a cuddle in the sun.  

''My lovely mates. We need 5 more cribs.'' Jeonin said out of the blue. ''Already ordered love.''

 Changbin said letting the younger know. ''I added them to my cart each time a pup was seen.

 They will be here in two days.'' Felix and Seungmin kept chirping and Jisung and Chan started

 to purr so excited to start their big family. 

''Baby your tiddys leaking.'' Minho blurted out looking

 at Chans now swollen belly and breast. ''The pups are due soon my love and I chatted with the

 doctor a few days ago when it started. This will continue to happen until a few days after I have

 the pups before my milk does.'' Chan explained blushing hard and snuggling deeper into

 Minhos chest the youngest alpha feeling   pups moving all around in Chans womb. Chan

 continued to eat watermelon as the snuggle and duck feeding continued. Where he got it don;t

 question it. ''Can we start a garden Channie is gonna eat all of Korea's watermelons before the

 pups are here.'' Seungmin joked Chan just blushed but agreed that a garden would be fun for

 them and the pups. And that was the starting conversation before  Jisung  asked what dinner

 was gonna be tonight.


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