Chapter 1

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Water drops from the clouds, showering the whole city at night when a rich woman named Darcy Sonniman gives birth to her son. Her husband’s eyes were full of tears with a wide smile on his face, seeing they were having a boy. But after his wife gave birth, his delightful face turned to grieve. His wife died giving birth, and the husband wept for a long period, laying at the edge of her bed, hugging her tightly.

     The time he saw his baby boy in his wife's arms crying. He picks up his son and makes him stop. While staring at his beautiful baby boy's eye he decided to name him Percy, a combination of his and his wife's name.
     A couple of hours later, his father-in-law rushes into the house to see his dead daughter. When he entered the room, he got to his knees and screamed, he hugged his daughter while crying badly. Time the baby cried, his father-in-law heard it, and his face became red with anger. He quickly got up and walked toward his daughter's husband and shouted, pointing his finger at him, kicking them out of the family.
     For some reason, his father-in-law hated him since the day they met. The husband was begging for mercy, trying to make him accept his grandson. However, that did not work, making him mad even worse, threatening to kill them if he did not do what he was asking. The husband was so frightened that his tears dropped.  
     He packed all his stuff and prepared to leave with his son. Without anything to ride, he walked all the way North where he might find someone to help him.

    Many years later.    
It was a quiet and peaceful night in the Village located in the Northern part of the land called Amerill. Suddenly a fire grew bigger and bigger in the West part of the village.
        Peter who is a fisherman woke up from traumatic screams of people begging for help and dying. Peter got out of their house and saw people running down from the west.
        "What's going on!?" Peter asked. "What's happening!?".
        "The evil Witch Queen is attacking our village!!", The man replied.
        Peter wants to ask more questions but the man runs fast with panic and fear.
        In the distance, the queen mercilessly kills and tortures people who cross her way. Peter immediately ran into his house and woke his sleeping son.
        "Percy wake up!!" Peter said. "Come on we have to go!".
        “Wait, what?” yawned Percy, eyes were wide open, seeing the panic from his dad.
        They immediately got out and ran fast, as the queen's guards chased them. Peter took a turn and gave the backpack to his Son.
        "Percy, listen to me you have to live—”
        “What about you!?”
        “Just listen to me! Now go, GOOO!!!".
        Percy did what his father said and ran away. But the guards caught Percy's father. Percy looks back and witnesses as the queen approaches his Father and beheaded him. Percy was shocked at what he saw and quickly ran away as fast as he could and took the forest trail.
         As he is entering the woods, He bumps into a person, and they both fall on the ground. Out of fear, he thought it was one of the queen's guards. They stared at each other for a second. But Percy quickly gets up and starts running deep inside the woods.
         As he knows he is far from their village Percy stops and starts crying from what he had experienced. And suddenly he heard a large explosion.
         This causes him to wake up from his dream.
          "Did that happen?" Percy asks himself with a melancholic tone, sweeping his chestnut curly hair away from his eye.
          He looks around and notices that he is in the middle of the woods.
          "Yes, it does happen," Percy said.
          He noticed a large branch of a tree beside him that fell from above.
          After relaxing and moving on from what happened, Percy got up and started his journey. In the distance, he saw a road that might be leading to another town where he might be able to find some help and gather strength for his next step.
          The town is not that close it might take an hour to reach it. Percy decided to take a break and breathe for a moment, but suddenly he heard a rumbling noise behind him. He slowly takes out the knife that his father left in the bag and immediately turns around and points the knife at whatever making the sound.
          He saw a guy with curly ginger hair behind him raising his hands.
          "Who are you!?" Percy said.
          The boy looks terrified, and he looks 20 of age like Percy.
          "Woah woah woah, Chill," the guy said with a choppy voice. "Yo-yo-you're Percy right?".
          Percy looks confused about how the guy knows his name.
          "How'd you know me?!" He asked the guy. "Who are you?!".
           The guy was stunned for a moment because of Percy's aggressive behavior. He knew that Percy was a good guy, but he was really surprised when Percy became so aggressive.
           He tried to convince Percy to relax first, but Percy did not listen after what happened to him lately.
           "Wa why don't you calm down first, I'll tell you everything", the guy said
           "NO!!" Percy shouted at him, tears started to run down his face. "You think I can calm down after what happened to my Father, to my Village!!! I don't want any of my loved ones to die... Cus- cus I am afraid of the outside world... But what can I do now?! Huh!... I will do everything to make this over, for my father... I will have my revenge!! I will form a rebellion, and I mean that."
           He knew it was not safe to trust some strangers. Percy quickly turns around to leave.
           Is that- is that what you want?! Percy, you're not the only one who wants revenge, even me! Do you think that I can't feel what you feel?.. well I do, you're not the only one who loses someone... So please, let me help you,"
           Percy doesn't care and keeps walking away.
          "I know your Father!" he says.
          Percy looks back at him with a question on his face. Percy asks the guy how he knows his father. After a couple of minutes, the guy told everything and how he knew Percy's father.
          The guy said that his Father is the best friend of Percy's father named Greg, Greg is also a Fisherman. The guy explained why he did not try to communicate with Percy. Percy is the type of guy who's not confident and introverted, he's not communicating with other people and always wants to be alone. Some kids invite him to play or go fishing but he always rejects them.
           "I'm one of the kids who tried to invite you fishing, but I guess you're not that approachable to other people," the guy said.
           After all, the explanations the guy told him, Percy realized that living alone is not easy. So he approaches the guy and thanks him for telling him all of that. The guy asks him if he could join him on his journey, and Percy agrees to him.
           Percy felt that he had forgotten something about him.
          "Oh, the name!" Percy said with a calm voice.
          "What?" The guy replied
          "You haven't told me your name yet," Percy said.
          "Oh," he said. "I'm Jake, Jake Palmer."
          While staring at him, Percy felt familiar with Jake.
          "Oh and also," Jake said. "I'm the guy you accidentally bumped into while entering the woods that night".
          That's why he looks familiar. Percy also apologized for the behavior he showed to Jake lately, Jake understands him after what they've experienced lately. It is really hard to not get traumatized after that tragic incident.

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