2.) Endless Tears

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Touka Point of View

I bowed to the last of the customers who left the shop saying "Thank you for coming to :re." I grabbed the keys and locked the door behind them flipping the sign to closed. I give Yomo the keys as I walked past the counter. "Touka where are you going." he asked concerned as he cleaned a coffee cup.

"I am really tired today so I'm gonna go to my room." I say going up the stairs that led to the rooms. "Get up at 5:00a.m. because we need to get food." said Yomo as I sighed. I kept walking till I found my room with the letters 'Touka' in big blue letters on the door.

I turned the door knob and enter the dark room. As soon as I get in I close the door behind me. I get on my bed and bury my face in the pillows. "Why is this happening to me now..." I say crying into my pillows.

This feeling of sadness, sorrow, and grief are coming back to me. I haven't felt these feelings in a while but ever since I met the man with black and white hair... I've been feeling strange inside... like I've seen him somewhere before but every time I try to remember I start to feel sad and cry.

I get up and wipe the tears off of my face and reach out my hand to turn on the radio. I change the stations till I find a good song I like. Finally, I stop at 'Stay by Rihanna' and lay back down on the bed.

I look up at the blue ceiling as I hum the song. My eyes gently close as I drift off to sleep. I reach my hand out saying "Kaneki... please don't leave me."

The more i think about you my tears are overflowing
although we are unable to meet
I love you more than anybody else

Endless Tears by Cliff Edge ft. Maiko Nakamura
Writing this chapter made me really sad and broke my heart into a million pieces. I'm sorry it's so short but it's because I really didn't have a lot of free time thanks to school work. I would really recommend you hear the song 'Endless Tears' because it fits my TouKen ship. I will be putting a couple of song lyrics in italics after each chapter from now on if I have time. Thanks for reading and wait till next Thursday for the next chapter

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