3.) Stay With Me

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Touka Point of View

(Touka's Nightmare Start)

I woke up in the dark not being able to see anything. I got up and looked around but couldn't see anything so I put my hands in my pockets and looked for a way out of the dark. I looked around till I found a white spot off in the distance.

I took my hands out of my pockets and ran towards the light. When I got there I found myself in a dark alley with two dead bodies on the floor. I suddenly heard sounds of somebody fighting and I was right.

The problem was that the people... no I should say ghouls fighting was Nishiki... and I. I noticed this happened when I met Kaneki in the dark alley about to be killed by Nishiki so I came in to save him.

The fight was over when I gave him cuts all over his body and he went running away. I stood there frozen already knowing what I was about to do to Kaneki. I... I of the past went over to Kaneki and gave him an arm, but he kept insisting that he was human.

I watched closely as my past self forced the arm inside his mouth because he wouldn't stop crying. I held my hands close to my chest as I fell to the floor watching the scene before my eyes.

Suddenly the scene disappeared and everything went pitch black. In the far distance I could see a person walking away but he was too far away to see the face so tried my best to get up and walk towards the person.

My legs were badly injured and I could barley walk. It was hard for me to breathe and concentrate on walking without tumbling a couples of times. When I finally caught up to the person he turned around to look at me.

My eyes widened as he revealed his face to me. His white hair rode the wind as he said "I'm going over to Aogiri." He turned around once again and started walking. "W-wait...Kaneki, don't leave... COME BACK!" I scream the last words making sure he hears me but he keeps walking.

My eyes started to tear up as I reach my arm out to him, but he's just too far out of my reach. I try to run but just stumble and fall on the floor. I punch the ground out of frustration and scream "PLEASE STAY WITH ME... please just... stay."

I look back at him but he's still walking farther and farther away from me. My tears flow even faster as he disappears from my sight... never to be seen again. I start to feel dizzy so I fall to the ground. "Stay... Kaneki." I say drifting to sleep with dried tears on my cheeks.

(Touka's Nightmare Ends)

Raindrops, Fall From, Everywhere
I Reach Out, For You, But Your Not There
So I Stood, Waiting, In The Dark
With Your Picture, In My Hands
Story Of a Broken Heart

Stay With Me
Don't Let Me Go
Cause I Can't Be Without You
Just Stay With Me
And Hold Me Close
Because I've Built My World Around You
And I Don't Wanna Know What's It Like Without You
So Stay with Me
Just Stay With Me

Stay With Me by Danity Kane
This was a heartbreaking chapter but don't worry because it's suppose to be sad at first but it's has a very cheerful ending. It would be very helpful if you heard the songs cause they are great songs and they fit the chapter. See you next Thursday.

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