When The Two Of Us Met

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I remember when one of my friend Apo approach me and ask if I have a type of guy I want to date.

They already know that I don't see any affections to all the girls out there and they already know that I like men.

I remember that I told him, I like those who has a bright smile, who can hype me, who makes me laugh, who has a dimple, who can be with me when I need him, who can fight with me, who's strong enough to face any problems yet so fragile that I want to protect him at all cost.

After I say those words, Apo showed me your pictures in his phone.

To be honest, I get interested by seeing your pictures and there is one picture that made you stand out, the one where you have an golden hair highlight.

I can't take my eyes off of that picture, it was like that picture cast an spell on me.

Apo told me your name which is Build, told me where you live, your age that is 4 years older than my age but I believe that age doesn't matter in love so it's okay if you are older.

He also said that you also like men and you are attracted to those who has monolid eyes. Luckily, I am one of those and that excites me.

Fast forward to that time we met and the first time I saw you in person, the time Apo introduced you to me. Seeing you in the first time, I can really tell that you're the one for me.

When I am in front of you, I get shy. I can't speak properly and I don't know why because it is the first time that happened to me

Your right hand and my right hand met when we shakehands, I feel like you electrified me and I don't want to take my hands off that time.

You have this feminine vibes and aura, and I like it very much.

Apo was right, you smile so brightly just like the sun shining so bright in our everyday morning.

The sun giving every people the energy and fulfillness in its light, but you gave me those energy and fulfillness through your smile.

We talk, we laughed and oh.. how I love those laugh of yours that can make me also laugh with you. Your laugh that didn't failed me to be amazed because it is so wonderful to hear, just like a music to my ears.

We shared some stories to each other, knowing and getting to know each other, and making ourselves comfortable to each other.

You're a graphic designer as you said and you showed me some of your works. Your works are so beautiful, just like you.

You said you love cats and yes, I am starting to fall for you because of that. You are even shock after knowing I also love cats and you said we have a lot in common.

We are both introvert in public but so open and hyper in private. We just let ourselves out when we are in our close friends, family and to people we feel comfortable with.

You love blue, and I love black. Blue suits you very well because blue represents the sky and you are the sun that shines so bright in it.

You showed me some pictures of your cat named Mino and tell me the craziest things he do in your house. I am just listening to you because the way you talk is just so addicting that I want to listen to you all day

You don't even forget to tell me that you want to see my cat and know his name. I introduced to you my cat named Grey and you're even touched of his story.

We talked for how many hours and there isn't a time we don't laugh because of some funny moments we share to each other.

How I wish the time move slowly so that we are still talking and sharing some things we want to share but I guess all things has an end but I know we will meet again some other time.

Before we said our goodbyes, you requested to take a photo of me and I willingly agreed to it.

I called Apo to take our photo and I awkwardly move closer to you and put my hand on your shoulder

After thanking Apo and me and saying our goodbyes, we parted ways.

I even remember that I jumped in so much joy and hugging Apo so tightly because I am so thankful that he introduced me to you.

Now I have reason to make my self better and make my self worth it for you. Meeting you is one of the best that happened to me.

We met in summer, and now, I am looking forward to every summer with you.

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