[V.1] Our First Meeting

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[The following contains spoilers of Chihayafuru]

[The following content is written with Yuzuki's P.O.V.]

It all started during my first year in high school, Tokyo preliminary tournament.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled from a distance towards the Hokuo members, they stopped and turned around.

"Oh... um... I'm Yuzuki Sani, nice to meet you" I bowed to them as I tucked my black shoulder-length hair behind my ear. To be honest, I'm not really good with conversations I rarely talk in school except with Mizusawa's members, I guess. I started rummaging through my bag, found it, I reached for Leero's hand and gave it to him as he looked at his hand.

"... chocolates?" Leero said confused as the other members glance at the chocolates.

"Um, you guys are sad... and chocolates can make you happy" I explain poorly as they look at me confused.

"So... chocolates can make your mood better. Chocolate is sugar and insulin, is it? Cause the tryptophan that went to your brain releases serotonin that will make you feel better" I moved my hands as I explain.

"Yuzuki, let's go!" A voice called out for me.

"Right!" I replied as I run towards the voice, I turn around and bowed to the Hokuo members.

"What were you doing earlier?" Nikuman, my teammate and friend, said to me.

"Hm.... giving out chocolates" I replied as I try to recall something.

"You still have chocolates?!" Chihaya, the Karuta club captain, looked at me; she eats chocolates every time she finishes a tournament. I can't blame her, it's understandable since Karuta takes a lot of energy, so I gave her the rest of my chocolates.


During the team's national we lost to Fujisaki, but we still had an individual tournament in which Hokuo happens to participate in. I manage to get into the top 4, however, I lost to Sudo-san during the semifinals.

"Thank you for the game" We bowed to each other as we finished our match.

"Giving me 8 card leads? Ha! Child's play. You're a doofus alright" Sudo-san said to me as he stood up.

"... I apologize" I smiled softly as I look at him "I must have taken you lightly"

"When I'm your opponent? How insulting" he smirks as he left the auditorium. I remain seated as I took a deep breath; I glare as I look in front of me 'I'll destroy you next time' I said to myself as I calm myself down.


I joined the Shiranami society not long after. The Shiranami society is the Karuta society that Chihaya and Mashima are attending; I decided to join their society to improve my Karuta skills and to fix a bad habit I always had, which is giving cards lead to my opponent during the first half. The first half is tiring for me, so I always give cards lead to my opponent, however, it has become a bad habit for me.

As days go by, card by card, all members of the Mizusawa were getting strong, especially Chihaya. Everyone gives it their all... and to be honest, I feel embarrassed of myself; seeing everyone give their best and not give up a single bit, even when they're tired. Watching everyone giving their all, they've reminded me of what I have once lost. I'm grateful for that because now, I don't need to lose to anyone.


I decided to train at Hokuo academy for once... true they are our rivals, but Hokuo is also our closest ally.

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