[V.7] Attractions

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[The following content is written with Yuzuki's P.O.V.]

As I continued walking, I notice that Sudo-san had stopped. I turned around to see what he was doing; staring at a boy who was crying because his ice cream had fallen, I looked at him and decided to take out some tissues. I walked towards him as I have a feeling of being stared at. I turned around to Sudo-san 'What are you doing? What. Are you doing?' His face says all. I think I'm not supposed to do this. I stopped and decided to walk back.

"... do you want the tissue?" I offered him.

"....no" he declines me as he continues to walk away. We rode a few rides after and the one I'm absolutely looking forward to was...

"Roller coasters~!" I said cheerfully.

"Are you even tall enough to ride it?" He laughs at me.

"I am! Besides, this is the highlight for today!!!" I said excitedly. Extreme rides are always the highlight of an amusement park, it's scary and makes your heart beat fast, that's why it's fun! The adrenaline rushing in your body.

"And... tada!" I showed 2 tickets "I bought us fast pass tickets! We wouldn't have to wait in line!"

"It's only a roller coaster, why are you overly excited?" he replied.

"It's exciting!" I argued.

"Nah, karuta is exciting, but roller coaster? What's fun about that?" He asked me.

"Let's just go" I dragged him.


"Aren't you excited?" I said as I look at him brightly.

"Not really. Are you?" he fastens his seat belt. I fasten my seatbelt and pulled down the seatholder

"I am. I hope you enjoy the attraction today as much as I did" I said as I chuckled, thinking about how scary and fun it would be once we drop from the highest point. The staff briefs us about the ride and it started to move.

"Sudo-san, let's scream when it's going down"

"Huh? No thanks. However, I'll gladly take your hand if you are as you scream" He offered his hand.

"Screaming is another highlight!" I stated.

"Supposedly you're making all of this stuff up, but knock yourself out" he said confidently. I don't know if you get it, but I just find it cute whenever he's serious, especially if he's annoyed. The more he's annoyed, the more I want to annoy him.

The roller coaster was going up for quite some time, we were pretty high up and not to mention it's almost a 90° rail. When we reached the top, the cart stopped for a while then it had gone down suddenly. I started to scream along with the other passengers. We were going down really fast and were on the 360° loop 3 times, then the cart turns sideways as we had gone up and down again. Unexpectedly Sudo-san screamed along the way although he declines me earlier. When the ride comes to an end I started laughing. It was absolutely fun. The air that hits your face was really refreshing. My hair was messy as my bangs stood up because of the air, Sudo-san's hair look messier but his hair is already a mess from the start. We exit the attraction and I bought a gyoza dog to eat after. Overall, my review is 10/10!


After we rode some extreme rides, we walked around to get some food and souvenirs. I made Sudo-san try and eat most of the food we bought. Time passes as it started to get dark. You could spend a day here but couldn't ride all the attractions here, most of your time would be spent waiting in line except if you use a fast pass.

We decided to stick around and enjoyed the Disney parade around the evening since we were quite tired and needed a breather. The parade was splendid and beautiful. I truly liked it, but I was happier that Sudo-san enjoys today as well, he was smiling and I couldn't contempt my cheerful face. After the parade, we walked around as we try to find other attractions we want to go to before going home.

"Hm... I don't think there's any attraction we could ride anymore" I looked around as I held his hand.

"We should return to Tokyo then" He looked up at the train schedule on his phone

"Oh, let's go to Universal one day! I can pick some clothes for you as well" I said cheerfully.

"I think I can pick my own clothes. Oh, there's a train in 20 minutes" We walked towards the exit, and I put my hand on my chin and looked up.

"20 minutes? Guess we could go to the bookstore in the station." I suggested as Sudo-san was staring at the haunted mansion. "Hm? Do you want to go there?" I pulled his sleeve.

"Do you want to go there?" He asked again.

"If you want to, we could go there"

"Ok, let's go" He drags me inside the haunted mansion. He seems overly excited over the haunted mansion. I don't like horror movies or anything related to it, especially haunted mansions. I hate it. On the contrary, Sudo-san loves it. Horror movies, haunted mansions, you name it. Supposedly, he wanted to experience a haunted mansion since this is an amusement park.


"You're not scared?" He asks me as I looked around.

"Hm? No? Why should I?" I asked.

".... don't you hate going to haunted mansions?" He points out.

"Hm... it's Disneyland, so I believe it wouldn't be that scary" I said monotonously. That's right, this is Disney.


I continue to watch Sudo-san through the camera on my phone. He seems disappointed. The haunted mansion wasn't scary at all and it was crowded. Supposedly he must have expected a scary haunted mansion that could make anyone scream their lungs out.

"Sudo-san" I called him, as he looks at me annoyedly and I took a picture.

"Haha, look who's pissed now" I teased him as he sighs. He must have hoped that I got scared at the haunted mansion. I do feel bad for him, a little bit.


"What's wrong?" I asked since he startled me.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"As far as I know, yes. Do you want me to accompany you somewhere tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow we're going to Yamanashi" He says sharply.

"That's quite far, but ok I guess..." Yamanashi? Where does he want to go?

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