[V.2] Companion

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[The following contains spoilers of Chihayafuru]

[The following content is written with the Author's P.O.V.]

"Did you say something?" Sudo asks as he sits on the tatami relaxedly

"..." Yuzuki glanced at him then sits seiza.

"I like you, Sudo-san... from your hair to your toes, your tall and big posture, your slanted eyes to your deep charismatic voice. Your knowledge and arrogancy... your confidence and pride, your leadership skills... I might have fallen for you..." Yuzuki said as she smiled softly as her face started to blush lightly. Sudo stared at her as she said that, then Yuzuki continued.

"Please guide me and allow me to be your companion, Sudo-san" as she bowed in front of him. There was a moment of silence; Yuzuki straightened her body and put her hands on her lap as she looks at him, slowly starting to get red

"........." she holds her embarrassment as her hand covers half of her face which has turned red like a tomato. She stood up and took her bag as she said in a voice that is barely heard "I'll be going home now" She left the auditorium as if nothing had happened. She closed the door behind her as she collapses and cover her entire face 'what was I even doing? Why did I say that? I made a complete fool out of myself. And what was that speech about-' Yuzuki ruffled her hair as she stood up with her bangs messed up, she took a deep breath as she gains confidence once more 'no... that's okay because that's just me' she took a step forward, leaving the meeting hall and went back home. On the other hand, Sudo, who was still in the auditorium, was sitting on the tatami as he stares at the door and smirked.


The next afternoon, Yuzuki came back to the auditorium and all they do was Karuta practices for a whole day. For Yuzuki Sani, practicing without any sweets is impossible, as those are her energy supplies.

"I can't anymore... this is tiring..." Yuzuki said as she lay on her stomach on the tatami mat tiredly.

"Kekeke. It's so like you to depend on sweets to play Karuta"

"You wouldn't understand since you don't eat sweets!" Yuzuki was glaring at Sudo as she is a food and sweet enthusiast, the opposite of Sudo who likes bland and at times savory food.

"Pfft..." Sudo reached out his hand to Yuzuki

'What's this?-' Yuzuki thought to herself as she was still grasping the situation, Sudo grabbed her face and dragged her to play another round and so they did.


"I might as well pass out this way..." Yuzuki said as she tries to catch her breath.

"You couldn't even get your 'Sa-' card, what a shame" Sudo laughed as he sits relaxed. Sudo continued to laugh as Yuzuki looked at him from a frog's point of view, he was exceptionally happy and excited.

"Ng... I'm falling for you... and I don't know what to do..." Yuzuki thought slipped out of her mouth. She started to smile like a dummy, but the truth is, she was frustrated with the current situation, her thoughts were all coming down together that she can't process them one by one.

"Forget it" Sudo replied immediately as he saw Yuzuki put out a dummy smile.

"..." Yuzuki pouts as she heard him said that all of a sudden, but it's not as if she hadn't prepared for his answer. She sits as she held her ankle and put out a huge smile.

"Oh well, let's have a last game" Yuzuki asked Sudo excitedly.

"What a nuisance" Sudo replied.


Yuzuki is now in her second year, she was absolutely packed and overwhelmed with her own schedule, so she couldn't go to Todai karuta society for a couple of days. A few days later, she manages to come to Todai karuta society and funnily she came excited.

"Sudo-san! Have a match with me right now!" Yuzuki asked Sudo as soon as she saw him on the first floor.

"Sure, I'll take you on" Sudo said lightly as he was holding a box of Karuta cards.

They had several matches and it was tiring, not to mention how much concentration is needed to play Karuta; you need to remember then forget 100 cards, and you do it all over for every match. For several matches, Sudo had the most wins than Yuzuki which makes her frustrated even more. Yet, they make their time out for the time they haven't been able to play together.

"..." Yuzuki took a deep breath and smiled calmly "Thank you for the game" she controlled her breath alas. Sudo glanced at her and then started to smirk

"Ok, I'll take it" Sudo stated as he sits relaxed.

"..." Yuzuki glanced at Sudo confused.

"I'll take you as my companion... and I'll guide you too" Sudo continued confidently as she looks at him confused. She blinks at him as Sudo smiled confidently at her.

"Ugh, no way! Get lost!" Yuzuki was pissed, it was both a feeling of disgust and annoyance.

"You twerp, what is that about?!" Sudo was confused and annoyed with her response.

"Forget it" Yuzuki imitates Sudo; she was annoyed and tired "and doing this right after I lost to you? Are you trying to make fun of me, for real? You're obviously messing with me"

".... Yuzuki" Sudo corrected his posture as he crossed his leg "I like you"

"...." Yuzuki was awestruck.

"Even if you think I'm messing with you, I like you" Sudo explained leaving Yuzuki awestruck, unable to answer him.

"We're about to close, don't forget to clean up the place, alright?" One of the Todai karuta society members came in and told them as they were the only ones left.

"Hmph! Oh well, let's clean the place up" Sudo said as he grins.

They cleaned up the place and left the meeting hall. They walked out together and Sudo was bragging about his wins from Yuzuki, he also started to nag about Yuzuki being Yuzuki.

"Ng..." Yuzuki was surprised and couldn't defend herself from being naggged at, however, her mind was somewhere else. She kept on remembering his sentences earlier. She stopped walking as Sudo continues to walk ahead. She looked at the moon; it was shining brightly.


"What is it?" Sudo turned around, looking at Yuzuki who was holding her hands behind her back.

"I'll accept it. Please guide me... and in return, I'll support Sudo-san" Yuzuki smiled under the bright full moon that night.

A Poem from Me to You - Chihayafuru FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now