[V.5] Shiga Tournament

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[The following content is written with Yuzuki's P.O.V.]

"Thank you for the game" I said as I bowed to my opponent and the reciter. I took a breath deeply as I look at the cards left on the field.


About a week ago I made an agreement with Sudo-san.

"Sudo-san. If I win in the Shiga tournament this Sunday, I have a request of you"

"Huh? Shiga... that's pretty far"

"I want to participate in many tournaments as I can this year before being a third year..."

"That's right, you're going to be busy with university preparation. Thought I'm able to balance both academics and sports, supposedly you could too"

"I can't risk something I'm not sure of... anyway... if I win this Sunday, please agree to my request"



That's what I said, but right now my main issue is money since I'm on a tight budget. I arrive at Shiga prefecture Saturday night. I booked an inn and it is quite expensive... but I couldn't afford to take the shinkansen on the first morning, it would be risky.

I pour hot water into the instant ramen and instant miso soup I brought from home, I couldn't spend any more penny if I want to go back home to Tokyo. Especially when I have to enter the tournament at Tokyo later on, along with the high school team championship, team national tournament, and individual tournament. I took out the Karuta cards I brought from home and start memorizing each syllable from the cards as I eat my ramen.


The next morning, I had onigiri to prepare myself for the tournament, it's best not to eat a lot of sweets in the morning or I'll be sleepy, better yet not too much before the match either since it would make me sick.

"Contestant please check your seat and opponent and get inside the auditorium as we are about to start" a staff said as I drank my water and went inside the auditorium.

Considering I'm playing against other class-A players it's quite an energy-draining. Feels like I'm playing against Chihaya, Mashima, and Nikuman repeatedly. I was able to get in the semifinals, supposedly training like a karuta maniac is quite worth it. Traning at Mizusawa, Hokuo, Shiranami society, and sometimes with Sudo-san paid off. I felt happy that I entered the semifinals, but I began to wonder if I was being honest with Sudo-san? Did I enter this tournament because I want to participate or because I want to win without the Mizusawa members as my opponent?... am I being sly?...


I played in the semifinals and manage to win with a 3-card margin, that was close. I guess my thoughts earlier distracted me, but I'm sure I'll be fine. I have to be fine. I drank my water and wipe off my sweat with my towel 'it's finally the final' I thought as I looked outside the window. The moon was shining through the window. I looked at the clock as it was already 18:08 the match had been going on for around 9 hours, that's about 6 matches in total. I'm glad that I still have a chance to catch up with the last shinkansen later or I would have spent another expense for hospitality...

"Challengers please enter the auditorium and be ready as we are about to start" one of the staff said, I took a matcha mochi and eat it. "The last match for today... let's do it quickly and cleanly" I said as I walk inside the auditorium.


"Naniwa zu ni- Sakuya kono hana Fuyu-gomori-- Ima o haru be to sakuya kono hana--" the reciter's voice filled the room, I started to get in position as I listen carefully. I've been practicing for this.

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