Chapter 7

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Angel's POV

I sat down in my seat and started to pay attention to the teacher.

People were still whispering but so didn't pay it any mind.

*time skip to lunch*

It was finally lunch after long hours.

I was looking for someplace to sit and I went over to this table with two girls and three boys.

"Hi can I sit here?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." One of the girls said while smiling.

"Are you new?" Another boy asked.

"Yeah, I just moved here." I said.

"What's your name?" A different boy asked.

"Angel." I responded.

"Well we'll introduce ourselves." A girl said.

"My name is Bryana." A brown skin girl said. She had a braided ponytail hairstyle.

"My name is Hannah." A girl with glasses said. Her hair was jet black and long.

"My name is Braylyn." A lightskin boy with dreads said. One half of his hair was dyed.

"I'm Cody." A boy with straight light brown hair said.

"I'm Levi." A boy with jet black short hair said.

"Nice to meet all of you." I smiled.

Just as we finished introducing ourselves I turned around to see my brothers enter the cafeteria.

"Oh my God isn't that the Herrera brothers?" Bryana asked.

"Yeah, why you asked?" I asked.

"I heard a rumor that they were in a mafia." Levi said.

"Well that would be crazy if I was living with murderers." I laughed.

"Wait how do you live with them?" Hannah asked.

"They're my brothers." I said.

"I didn't know they had a younger brother." Hannah said shocked.

"Yeah I kind of just found out myself, I used to live with my grandfather." I explained.

"Oh that's cool." Cody said.

The bell ring and we got up and went to our next period class. Braylyn and Cody had the same period as me so I sat next to them.

"Oh hello are you new here?" The teacher asked turning to me.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Angel Herrera right?" He asked.

"Yep." I said.

"I used to teach your brothers when they were your age, they were a handful." He said chuckling a bit at the last sentence.

The teacher began the class and I just sat there bored.

*2 hours later*

School was finally over thank God. I walked to the front of the school and waited for my brothers. Liam and the twins soon came outside and we all got in the car. We finally arrived home and I was exhausted.

I felt myself being lifted up into someone's arms. I looked up and it was my dad.

"How was school?" Dad asked.

"It was alright I guess." I said.

"Where's grandpa?" I asked.

"He's busy working right now." He says putting me down.

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