Stupid game - 1 *updated version*

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Creaking sound of the wind creeped into the crack of the kitchen windows. As the cold breeze slowly penetrated into each and every pore of my skin. My body was shivering in fear as tears began to stream down my face.

As my eyes furtively swept the room, my now disfigured body turned numb as I hide under this crimson counter. Through the small hole, a shadow of a large figure has slowly settled its foot into the area.

Unhurriedly, a large hand was lifted up, started to tear down the light tinted ivory shades kitchen ripped wallpaper of the wall - gave out a foul smell like lymph. Suddenly, a body fall out of the wall.

He chuckled.

I shakily lifted both of my hands up, tried to cover the lower parts of my face; afraid that any fainted sound of my breathe could emerged out to this predator.

"Isabella..." his deep husky voice crawled into the inner of my both ears. "Isabella, where are you?..." His voice reminded me of a hide and seek game. He called out for me, as he started to stroll around the room.

"Could you be under.." He stopped right in front of the kitchen cabinet.

"Boo!" His head jumped to the under of the dining table.

He laughed hysterically as if he acted to seek on random places as if he was playing with a little girl.

"Baby, where are you?" He called out for me playfully.

"Come here my precious. I will never hurt you." His pitch went high. As the sound of his footsteps turning into my direction had taken closer and closer.

I breathed out heavily as I cuddled myself up with my face buried into my knee crying silently - scared of the figure before me. I gripped the edge of my skirt.

As he took another step closer, my body turned numb. My brain was all dulled, not knowing what to do. I prayed. Please, someone please help me.

Another step of his foot, I panicked. My heart  pumped so hard that it was ready to jump out of my chest.

His footstep stop right before my cabinet as he called out for me once again, "Isabella, my baby, I will count one to three and you better come out baby. I am tired of this stupid game."

Panted. I grasped for breath. I just kept on crying.

I can feel his hand griped into a fist. He let it a loud sigh. "1....2....."

My body kept on shaking right now. I let out a loud scream.

As he count "...3." He opened the cabinate.

I pushed myself out and tried to run but he grabbed a hold of me from behind.

It's my last chance.

I took a knife from my pocket and stabbed on his leg.

"Agh!" He groaned as he let go of me.

I pushed him out of the way as I ran - wanted to grab the hold of that door. I ran as fast as I could but not for too long.

"Click." A hammer is being pulled.

"I love you with all my heart, baby, and I will never let you go." Before I could turn to beg him for mercy, his voice fainted out as soon as sound of gun shot came in.

"Bang bang bang." That was the last sound I could hear before my eyes drifted away with darkness.

I shot my eyes wide open. I looked around instantly. Everything was all the same. No gore nor horror. It was all just a dream.


-- Hi guys, this is the updated version for this chapter. It is now a lot longer now. I hope you guys would enjoy it. Any suggestion on anything, please let me know. I enjoy reading all the comments.  Thank you once again for reading this book, hope that you all would enjoy it :)

Hi guys, sorry that this chapter is really short. I will tried to write more in the next chapter. So this is my first story ever and I hope you enjoy it. If their anything I should improve, please don't hesitate to write it down on the comment section. Thank you :)

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