Him - 3

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"Ring ring ring" the sounds of the second school bell rang into my ear.

Within a blink of an eye, the hallway was empty.

It was just me and him.

A large built of a 6 foot, with his dark brunette hair was being swiped to the back.

His face was a made of god.

Wass this all just a dream? But why did it felt so real?

He chuckled.

His chuckled gave me goosebumps.

I don't know why. But I felt like I and him are going to have a lifetime experience together.

I turned the other way round and open my locker right into his face.

While I picked up my books, I could still see his foot right under the locker frame.

"Excuse me." A deep husky voice appear to destroyed the silent hallway.

I tried my best to walk through them but I couldn't. And of course as usual, I crashed and fall down.

I don't think I would make it on time.

I can only hope.

I lift myself up from the ground but couldn't moved.

My mind was numb.

I couldn't hear anything.

Only the sound of my heart pumping that block all the noises in the area.

I breath heavily

and it all because of him.

That sparkly green eyes.

That beautiful dark brown hair.

A perfect jawline.

Everything that I always wanted.

He was just too perfect.

His smile was just something to be made by god.

And his voice, the sound of him chuckled at me, causing my heartbeat to drop.

But the reality hits me.

I start to realise what I have been doing.

I was looking at him like he was a gift from God.

I start to feel embarrassed, like really embarrassed.

I held my books tight and walked in the classroom as quick as I could.

As I opened the door.

I was indeed, late.

"Miss Wilson, if you are coming for tomorrow, you are early." Said Mrs. Jenkins. Which made the class filled with laughter.

"That's enough. Go to your seat." Command by her.

I sat down on my usual empty seat at the back of the room, next to me was of course no one.

I smiled to my self by thinking of him, the guy from the hallway, earlier.

Everything about him was all I ever dreamed of.

He made me feel something that nobody could never give it to me.

I felt so real that I could touch his face.

This is just my imagination right?

So I reached my hand to cup his face but it turned into laughter.

He chuckled. The guy from the hallway chuckled.

It was real.

What have I done?

I really did cupped his face.

My face went red. I stood up and ran to the toilet.

I looked at myself in the mirror and splashed water to it.


Hi guys, thank you for reading this book. I hope you enjoy it and if you have any suggestion or anything I could improve please leave it down at the comment below. It will really help me improve this book. :)

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