Chapter 6: Welcome to the Red Force

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Eleven Years ago...

Loklynn woke up in a stiff, uncomfortable bed under scratchy sheets. She stared at the wood ceiling above her for almost an entire minute before shooting up so fast that she fell in a heap to the floor.
She struggled out of the sheets coiling around her legs and leapt to her feet, turning to examine the room with wide, wild eyes.

Where was she? She thought hard. The last thing she remembered was getting sleepy and passing out in the red haired man's arms... had he taken her?!
She noticed a pink flowery shirt and some brown pants hanging over a chair beside the bed. She looked between the new clothes and her ragged dress a couple times before quickly changing. Best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

With her heart in her throat, Loklynn slowly opened the door- wincing as it creaked loudly- and ventured out. She was in a long hallway filled with doors on either side. Luckily, there was no one in sight. The hall bore a noticeable resemblance the cabins on the Mickey... um, the Moby Dick. That combined with the slight sway of the floor beneath her feet... she could only assume that she was on another ship.

Was this the red haired man's ship?

Loklynn warily traversed the corridor, peering into the open- and thankfully empty- cabins. Maybe everyone was out on deck; it was nighttime when she passed out, so it might be daytime now.

She caught sight of a dagger on a desk in one of the rooms and decided to grab it. She'd never even so much as held a blade before, and she wasn't sure she could bring herself to use it... but it couldn't hurt to take it with her.

She stopped cold as she passed the next room. She recognized the black cloak and flaming hair of the man from before, facing away from the door and hunched over a desk. He seemed to be talking to someone, probably on a transponder snail.

"Yep. That's actually the reason I met with the old man in the first place," she heard him say. "But don't worry about it, I got it taken care of. You're welcome to come by and see her if you want, just let me-"

Loklynn continued on, not staying to hear the rest of the conversation. He was talking about her, she was sure of it! What did he want with her? Why did he bring her here? Where was she?
Those questions and more swirled around and around in her mind, filling her with the sort of panic that can only come from a child's overactive imagination. She began to walk faster as her caution was undermined by fear. She needed to get to the deck. As soon as she did, she could fly off... assuming she could get her mysterious new wings to work, but she'd worry about that later.

When Loklynn finally found her way to the stairs to the deck, she hesitated. She could feel a lot of people moving around out there, and she didn't even know if she could bring her wings out on her own; She'd done it by accident last time! If she went out there and couldn't fly, she'd be caught in seconds. She adjusted her sweaty grip on the dagger.
She closed her eyes and tried to make it happen. She hunched her back and stiffened her shoulders, willing them to appear with all her might. She didn't know if it was doing any good. Nothing was happening; Her back kind of itched a little and her skin kind of tingled, but that was it. Darn it, why wasn't it-

"Whatcha doin'?" A teasing voice murmured near her ear.

Loklynn yelped and dashed up the steps, nearly tripping three separate times before she made it to the top. She whirled around and backed away quickly as the red-haired man slowly emerged into the sunlight. He seemed relaxed and made no moves towards her, but there was no way she was letting her guard down.

"You stay right there!" She ordered in the most confident voice she could muster. She gripped the blade tightly with both of her trembling hands and pointed it right at his friendly grin.

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