Simple joys

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A/n: a short little gender euphoria oneshot for the best girl. Gender ambiguous reader. I'll admit I'm not too educated on E gel since I'm on T gel. But I assume it's similar just in the opposite direction.

Grell often woke up before you did, she had much longer hair and took forever to style it. This morning she was up early as usual and made her way into the bathroom to get a start on her hair and skincare. She tied her long locks back with a bow, pinned her fringe out of the way and got a start in her several step skincare routine. But she always did something else first, her E gel.

She'd been on it for a while now, and slowly but surely she was starting to see differences. Better skin, fuller hips, a shifted muscle mass. It was coming along, slowly but she was just glad it was coming. She'd waited hundreds of years for technology to advance to the point of medial transition, and finally she was able to get her hand on some sweet, sweet Estrogel.

It was a simple application, four pumps every morning on the shoulders and abdomen. Let it soak in and dry before putting clothes back on. She pulled her pyjama top off, tossing it aside and reached for the gel. Same routine every day for months now, some on the shoulders, some on the abdomen.

Although today something was different. As she was rubbing the gel into her shoulders, she looked down to make sure she didn't miss any spots. And she noticed something... her chest. It was bigger.

"Wait..." she gasped, looking up at her reflection in the mirror and turning to the side to see the curve.

It was by no means double D's yet, but it was definitely a start. The Estrogen was finally kicking in on her chest, and it was finally growing.

She stared for a moment in disbelief, before running he hands over her chest to feel the shape. A smile broke on her face, it was working! She finally didn't need to stuff a bra anymore!

Exited she dropped everything and ran back into the bedroom, where you were still asleep.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up!" She exclaimed.

Jumping on the bed she crawled over to you and shook you awake.

"Hmm? Grell it's too early" you complained, still half asleep.

"Ok 1, it's 9am it's not that early. And 2, look! Feel this!" She replied.

Grabbing your hands she placed them on her chest, at first you were a bit caught off guard by the sudden action. Like, you knew she was a bit of a... frisky person. But damn.

Although when you felt the extra squish under your palms, it clicked.

"They're bigger!" You said.

"I know! The E is finally kicking in!" She smiled.

God, she looked so happy. Like a massive lifelong goal has finally been kicked, and well... it had.

"Damn that was actually pretty quick! Bet you'll be needing new bras soon" You said.

"I didn't even think of that... what size will I end up? I hope it's C cups. God I can't wait" she replied.

You gave her a smile, it was always so adorable to see her so happy with her body. She'd struggled for so long with dysphoria she deserved every last drop of euphoria in the world.

"When you outgrow your current ones I'll take you shopping, you can get something fancy and red of course" you offered.

She pulled you into a hug, holding you tight with excitement.

"Thank you! I love you darling, truly" she said.

You kissed her cheek, returning the hug.

"I love you too, it's so nice seeing you so happy. Also I can absolutely feel a difference when you hug me" you replied.

"Don't squeeze me too hard, you'll squash my developing tits"

"And getting hit in the boobs hurts, yes I'll be careful" You snickered.

Oh how she'd dreamed of this day, it was so exiting to finally see it happen. And you were so glad you got to be there with her for all the excitement.

Grell x Reader oneshots • Black ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now