🌙 Oneshot || 🇪🇬 × 🇳🇦

150 6 11

 ⮕ Not sure how proud of this I am– I haven't written in a while so this was an experience lol

 ⮕ Just some short fluff with two gals.

 ⮕ This is set during Colonial times when Namibia was still German. And this is under no circumstances historically accurate or meant to be historically accurate at all. Its simply a plot I made so what happens later on make sense.

 ⮕ Requested by @BabyShamuShipper (if you don't want me to add your name, and want this removed, just say.)

~ Characters ~

— Egypt 🇪🇬 (British Egypt; technically was apart of Ottoman but its confusing)

     ⮕ Cis female (she/her)

     ⮕ steppe Eagle wings

     ⮕ wears golden hollow cat ears

— Namibia 🇳🇦 (South West Africa)

     ⮕ Cis female (she/her)

     ⮕ Cheetah girl

— British Empire (mentioned)

     ⮕ Cis male (he/him)

     ⮕ crappy person on every aspect

— South Africa (mentioned)

     ⮕ Cis female (she/her)

     ⮕ flower girl, loves being outdoors

     ⮕ major help

~ Third Person Point of View ~

     Egypt grabbed onto the tip of her wing, shoving it to fit under the rocks as she pressed herself against the wall just to fully hide there. Her legs were pressed tightly against her chest, and her head rested on top of it to make herself a small box under it. It didn't matter if it hurt to sit this way, and it didn't matter if her wings were killing her from being forced into an uncomfortable bend or that her neck was sore from what she'd already been through. Nothing mattered anymore. 

     She pulled another rock closer a little so it remained as close to the wall as possible, leaving no gaps between it and the wall and in complete darkness. Nothing but the sparks from Namibia's lighter could really be seen. 

     She thanked every second South Africa agreed to distract the British Empire while she got a few others away from the terrorising place known as the British Empire's Mansion. Her whole plan was to try and save as many colonies as she could by leading them to a safe spot... Somewhere away from him at leastShe'd managed to get Sudan and Uganda into the hands of Liberia, who was a free woman born from freed African slaves and actually understood the pain of being controlled by those who think they're better. This was good speaking she was, in a sense, heavily influenced and sent by the United States and nobody tried to question her about why she had them. Nobody dared.

     She went back for a few others, possibly Djibouti or Somalia and hoped to being them to Ottoman. That was, until Namibia showed up and messed up everything by leading Germany right to her. Not that it was really her fault. He'd chased her all the way here and of course had no idea Egypt was already in the process of trying plan another great escape. He wasn't happy at all with the sight of Namibia trying to escape the Manor through the fence and ran to inform the British Empire. That's what led to Egypt pushing South Africa—who was thankfully in the garden at that time—to distract the two with her flower knowledge while she lead Namibia to her hiding spot underneath a rock pile and how they ended up here.

     The space wasn't big. It was big enough to fit 2 people but just barely. What she'd done was dig a long and fairly deep hole in the ground under a pile of stones deep in the forest. Since it was already surrounded with stones, she simply just rearranged it to cover the whole and allowed her to hid. 

     She never thought she'd actually need it.

     Namibia scoot over to allow her to have more space, trying to move her lighter to see at all. A good side to this was the fact she was a little shorter so she had a little more space to move around. Her tail swung anxiously in her lap as her eyes glued onto Egypt in a blank stare at the other. Egypt didn't need to see to understand how panicked she was. She'd already watched as all the colour drained from her face and her body almost fair mid way through the run but regardlessly the girl was still restless and just wanted to really get out. "How long must we wait?"

     "I don't know, Nami." Egypt replied in a hushed whisper, slowly slipping her hand from her lap and holding it out for Namibia to take. Maybe aqueezing it would give her some relief? She tried peering through the gap in the rock a little bit, hoping to possibly see somebody walk by and reassure they were well hidden, but nothing. Not even a voice or a sound. This was both good and bad. "We just need to be patient."

     "Patient is not my middle name." She said, rolling her eyes and leaning her head against the stone behind her as she took Egypt's hand and intertwined their fingers. "What if they find us?" 

     "Don't think like that," Egypt snapped, quickly glaring at Namibia and squinting her eyes to see. Eventually she'll adapt to the darkness. Maybe once that crack of light fades she'll be able to make a run for it. Possibly track Liberia down and give Namibia to her... Even Ottoman Empire since she was still under his name too and hipefully not mind lending her a hand. Maybe hiding wasnt so smart for now she was cluless about what the outside world was like. So many thoughts just kept buzzing. "Just don't. I'm trying to figure everything out," she added.

     Namibia went silent, loosening her grip on her hand and shutting her lighter off. The only thing that was really useful for was anxiety. Egypt could hear a shuffle, which she could only assume meant she found a better resting position. Not that anything wouldn't cramp up her whole body but it was good in the meantime.

     "If they figure out South Africa was apart of this... would they hurt her?" She asked quietly. Egypt felt her tail brush against their hands, making her close her eyes and bring it to her chest. Her wing expanded a little bit to pat the other on the shoulder and brush against her arm in a comforting manner.

     "They'd better not." She said sternly. "When I get you somewhere safer, I'll go back for her." She reassured, giving Namibia a soft smile as if she could see it. She could only sense her anxiousness through the way her tail blew dirt on her skirt and kept hitting the ground at a fast pace. This, of course, made her frown and sigh, gliding her other hand down Namibia's arm and stopping at her hand where she ran her pointer against her palm. "Believe me, Nami. 'Bow will be fine. India will take good care of her as she always does." She comforted.

     Another shuffle.

     This time, Egypt felt Namibia's hand slip away from hers before the other's head rest on her shoulder and her body lean on top of hers. Her tail moved itself so it gently wrapped around her wrist and had it's tip resting in her palm while her Cheetah ear brushed against her neck. They sat without another word, obly Egypt silently praying Namibia would fall asleep soon and forget about this in the meantime to give her a chance at making a plan without the other's negative insight.

     She gave her a light pat on the head—honestly, as she does with literally every cat—and eased her body as much as she could. Eventually she curled her fingers into Namibia's hand and closed her eyes.

     'Nothing mattered anymore'... huh. Guess she lied. Namibia mattered. Getting her safe mattered.

Countryhumans, but it's all AfricaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora