I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

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Scar checked his watch impatiently. Where in the Pridelands was that darn kid?! She was usually right on time, but appeared to be ten minutes late. A thud, and a thundering noise of metal fence doors opening answered his question.

"I'm here!"

"You're late."

Phoenix was panting, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes locked on the black maned lion. "I'm about to face two hundred pound bulls and warthogs in that arena for your dumb gambling business. And have been doing it since I was seven! So at least try to show some gratitude."

Scar's eyes glowed an eerie green. "My business keeps you in the foster care system, and out of my fur. So if you want to remain having a bed to sleep in and a roof over your head, I highly suggest you think twice before you speak."

"I have, but you're ungrateful for my service. Plain as day."

Scar spun around and gripped her shoulder harshly. His claws digging hard into her collarbone. He could snap her like a toothpick if he wanted to, but he needs her healthy. The cub only needed a very motivating warning.

"Shut that spoiled little mouth, AND GET ON WITH IT!" he growled as he shoved her towards the metal fence doors. His glare pierced at her soul with his claws bared at his sides. If he had to fight her himself to get her to cooperate, he would not hesitate. The prophecy will not become a reality. He wouldn't allow it.

Phoenix exhaled with an unsteady breathing pace. Scar wasn't afraid to get his claws dirty. She knew that better than anyone else. Phoenix rubbed her shoulder, and headed out to the arena.

Crowds of mammals, reptiles, and animals of all different types of species filled the stadium. A few animals were already finishing up their last bets on the upcoming fights. Handing in cash and checks to a few hyena's who collected their gambling money. Phoenix stretched her arms and legs, preparing for the usual.

The worst to come.

A massive walrus walked into the arena with boxer shorts and a huge belt buckle around his waist. He was definitely significantly heavier and larger than the dark cheetah. Compared to Phoenix, you were really looking at a David and Goliath reenactment. The ringer signaled the fight to begin. The walrus swung his fist at Phoenix without waiting for a second to spare.

She had already calculated her next move after that, ricocheting off the metal cage surrounding the arena, and kicking his head hard. The walrus however, recovered more quickly than she anticipated. Who swung another punch as well as a back kick to throw her off. Phoenix raced around him, going in circles. Her speed combined with her fire made it near impossible to locate her as she ran around him. Making her appear as a blazing blurr. Her opponent got dizzy, just as planned. Once the time was right she struck the pan when it was hot. Kicking him in the eyes and knocking him to the ground with a second fiery blow to the back.

"K.O! The cheetah moves on to round 2!"

Phoenix stared at the walrus who was unconscious in defeat on the floor. The medics carried him out soon after, leaving her to wait for her next challenge. She was already beginning to wear down. Her eyes getting heavy from the lack of sleep, and her posture was worsening.

Phoenix sighed, shaking her head in order to jolt herself awake. This was gonna be a looooonnnnggg night.

Baloo was on the couch catching up on the news. Not much really happened in Cape Suzette, but hey. Someone's gotta stay on top of all the juicy stories and crimes that come around occasionally, right?

The bear heard a subtle knock on the door, and heaved himself up to go answer it. It was Phoenix, he knew that. Wait...hold up...what time was it? Six, no wait....five o'clock? Why was she back so early? School ended around three and she usually stayed at Scar's fights for about three hours.

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