Part 2

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Ace's {POV}

I lay on the bed with one of her books in my hand and start reading it. After a few minutes I hear her moving towards me, but she stops, I carefully watch her from the corner of my eye as she studies me. 

"Can I help you?" I say as I keep my eyes locked on the book, but I see her jump back. "Checking me out, are you?" I ask as I move my eyes up to her. 

"No..." I hear her breath out as her face goes red. "It's alright dear, I'd check myself out too" I chuckle out. I watch her shake her head softly as I stand up handing the book back to her. "I'll be off now... My room is right across the hallway if you need me" I say winking to her before leaving the room. I softly close the door behind me as I walk back to my room. 

I open my door hoping the boys weren't in there still, but boy I was wrong. As soon as I walked through the door a wave of weed and alcohol hit me. My eyes scan the room looking at all 3 boys. First my eyes float to Elijah who is obviously stoned out of his mind and still going, I then move my eyes to Cole, who is meant to be my second in command... but he clearly drunk to the core, he can't even stand up right...or form the right words. I shake my head as I my eyes move to Axel, who is obviously stoned and drunk out of his mind, anyone could pick it from a mile away. My eyes dart up to the clock, which is reading. '9pm'  

"Boys!" I yell watching them jump back and their eyes snap up to me. 

"Ayy! Ace my man!" all three of them yell at me. 

"Do ya want a swing?" Cole asks as he tries to hand me a bottle of whiskey.

"Cole, What the hell! That's my bottle of whiskey! And you know that!" I yell as I take the bottle from his hand, as I do I watch as he rolls his eyes, which gives him a hit across the head. 

"What is the meaning of this!? It's 9 at night! And you boys knew damn well we have a meeting at 10! Now sober the hell up!" I shout as I kick the rubbish around "And clean this mess up! Like honestly, you boys aren't bloody pigs!" I shout once again as I make my way to my bed. I chuckle as I watch the boys start to clean the place up. After a few minutes, the place is somewhat back to the way it's meant to be. 

"I still don't understand why we need to stay here when we could just stay at Ace's house"  

"Because Cole, you and the other 2 still need to get an education" I mumble.

"Yeah, well what about you?" I hear him growl back. 

"Like I keep telling you and the others, I do my schoolwork, I'm on top of every class and I have a mafia to run" I snap at him, he knows this, it's the same talk we have every week, it just won't get through his thick head. "Sometimes I wonder why I made you my second in command, I should have made Silas my second in command..." I mumble as I look at his face, I know how much he hates Silas, my third in command who runs everything from back at home while me and the boys are here. 

"Well fine! Make him your second in command! See if I care!" Cole snaps. I can't help but laugh at him, it gets in every time. 

"I'm kidding, Cole" I say as I roll my eyes. 

"Whatever dude" he mumbles and walks off.

The good girl falls for the mafia boss (short story)Where stories live. Discover now