Part 6

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***Ace's POV*** 

"Faunclo!" I yell as I pull my hair, 2 of my shipments have been taken! I pick up my phone and call Silas. He picks up on the first ring. 


"Why the hell do I have 2 shipments missing, Silas?!" I yell as I look at the paper. 

"I was just about to call you about that Capo, the Russians have been trying to take the shipments"   

"Why didn't I know to start with!"   

"Because the 2 shipments that have been taken, haven't been taken. We have put a bug in them" I roll my eyes as he explains, it would have been nice to know to start with. 

"Very well" I say and hang up the phone. I keep looking through the paper, signing all the bullshit as I go. A few minutes later I feel a warm breath hit my neck. My head snaps up, my eyes lock with hers, the beautiful ocean blue eyes, I've so deeply fallen in love with. I watch as a small smile appears on her face. None of us say anything, it's just silence. Not that type that's awkward or scary like silence. It's a kind of silence that feels comforting. A type I could get used to. We stayed like that for a while. A few minutes at least.   

I feel her jump back as my phone starts to ring. Of course. It's always at the worse times. I let out a sigh as I pick it up.   

"Si" I grumble out.   

"Ace!" I knew that voice from anywhere, it was Cole's...  

"What now?"   

"It's 9am! Where are you?"   

"Busy" I say as I hang up on him. I was in no mood to talk. I sigh as she starts to rub my shoulders. Soon I feel soft kisses being placed on my neck. I move my neck to the left as she continues to add more to my neck. I grab her by the waist and pull her to my lap. Once she is sitting on my lap, I place my hands on her hips. Soon she curls up into a ball on my lap and lays her head on my chest. I give her a soft kiss on the head. Before long she's asleep on my lap, I watch as she body moves slightly as she breathes softly as she sleeps. 

A few minutes pass, and when I say a few, I mean maybe half an hour passed before my phone starts ringing again. I swear that phone never stops ringing. I careful reach my hand to the desk trying not to wake Sofia up. I slowly put my phone up to my ear.


"Ah, figlio mio" '{My son'}

I roll my eyes, of course it's dad. I haven't heard from him for almost a year, and he only ever calls if he needs money or somewhere to hide. Fun fact my dear old father is a drug dealer and user who is in a lot of debt. And when I say debt, I don't mean a few thousand I mean a few million. 

"Cosa vuoi? Quasi dopo un anno, padre" '{What do you want? Almost a year later, father}'

I hear my dad chuckle as he takes a deep breath.  

"How are you, my son? Found a girl yet? How's the business going?"  

"What do you want?" I say clearly annoyed with him. 

"Just wanted to see how my boy is doing" I let out a laugh. Like he wants to know how I'm doing. He never has or does. 

"Cut the bullshit old man, what is it that you want?" I snap, obviously over his shit. 

"I need some money..." Of course, it's always money with him. 

"Go ask your other son"  

"I have and he wouldn't have the money I need, but I know you do" I roll my eyes, I should have killed him when I had the chance, he may be my father by blood but never in my eyes, the only relation we have is the same blood. 

"How much would it be?" I mumble. 

"Around about 1.5 million?" my eyes widen at the words that come out of his mouth. 

"No, I can't bloody give you 1.5 million!" I yell quietly being careful not to wake Sofia  

"Come on boy! I need it! They are after me again! Do your old man a favour" As the words fly out of his mouth my blood boils. 

"Do you a favour!? Ever since I built my mafia and business all you have wanted is money! My money that I work hard for! You come to me once or twice a year! That's all! I should have killed you when I had the chance, you'll NEVER be my father!" I snap before I had the chance to even think about what I was saying.

"Please son—" I didn't give him the chance to finish before I hang up. I sigh. 

It's always money with him, ever since I told him about my "business" I've given him millions if not billions over the years just so he could get his drugs, and every day I thought just maybe I would get a phone call from someone telling me he died, and that would be a good day, while we might share the same blood, he will never be my father. 

I suddenly feel a body move on my lap. My eyes snap down to find Sofia looking at me with her beautiful ocean blue eyes. I give her a soft smile. She gives me one back. 

"You, okay?" she says softly as worry fills her eyes. All I could do was give her a small nod along with a smile. My eyes move down, looking at her lips. Moment passes as I keep looking at her lips. Suddenly I feel my lips crushing into hers. My hands move up to her cheeks as I deepen the kiss. Moments later and we pull apart. I sit there wondering what the heck just happen, I thought it might have been a dream, but it wasn't, because there she was breathing heavily. 

"I'm sorry?" I ask as almost as if I'm asking a question. But instead of hearing her say it's ok and that she needs to go. All I get is a small, cute giggle. I look at her confused. 

"About time you kissed me" she said as she giggles again.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while" I admit.

The good girl falls for the mafia boss (short story)Where stories live. Discover now