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Sorry it took me awhile to upload this but here I am. I might be getting a job soon which will also slow down the uploads but I'm not discontinuing this story, also thank you for anyone reading this and not the original, I'm honestly planning on unuploading it sometime. 

You wake up later in your bed again. Carrie and Jason are sitting there. Carrie reading a magazine and Jason fiddling with a wooden figure. You sit up and both of them look at you. A few moments later Carrie is quickly standing up.

"Y/n, how are you feeling? Are you ok? Do you need anything?" Carrie asks, rushing to your side. You look over at them and pause. You take a moment to really let your memories come back to you of what you did late that night.

"I'd like some water please. Hannibal too." Carrie nods and stands up, leaving your room. As she opens the door you smell something wonderful cooking. A wave of fear washes over you as the thought of Hannibal cooking River for everyone to eat hits you. Tears form again and you start to bawl. Jason is quick to rush to your side, not touching you however, simply kneeling by your bedside and giving you a sympathetic look. You're the one who pulls him into a tight hug. God, you need something to make you feel safe. You know he's dead, gone for good, but god damn it he's going to haunt you for the rest of your life.

As you cry into Jason's shoulder Hannibal walks in.

"Y/n, I heard you wanted to talk to me," He says. You lift your head up and nod. He hands you a glass of water and you down the entire thing in a few gulps, "What you did can take a serious toll on someone. But I'm proud of you for doing it," You hold Jason's hand and look at Hannibal, "You were able to really fight your trauma Y/n. It's a brave thing that you did."

"Thank you Hannibal. But um... Are you... Are you cooking him now?" You ask in a flat voice, wiping away tears.

"I'm not cooking him. We're not going to do anything to him until you tell us what you want us to do. Thomas and Bubba have him stored in a deep freezer in the basement. I'd advise you to think about this. I don't recommend that you eat him, but I'm not below eating him, there's also a lovely old couple a few miles from here with a farm who would greatly enjoy pig food. But for now you should rest." Hannibal takes away your glass and now you can really feel how sore your throat is, along with the bandage wrapped around it. You take a deep breath and feel yourself start to cry again.

You cling back to Jason's shoulder and Hannibal puts his hand on your back.

"You did the right thing," Hannibal says, moving his hand to rub your back, "I can assure you that your abuser got what he deserved. We're all very proud of you." You just have to sit there for a few moments, trying to steady your breathing.

"Hannibal...Jason...I just... I uh...I feel like I should feel worse for what I did to him. But I think I didn't do enough. I wish I could have drawn it out more maybe. But I'm glad that it's finally done. I also think that it would be lovely to help an old couple with their farm. So please do give him to them. Unless you want to um eat him yourself."

"I'm fine giving him to Mrs and Mr. Lee." Hannibal says.

"But now that we're talking about this, have I um...eaten people before?" Hannibal pauses at your question.

"Not often but yes." Now you really feel nauseous. The kind of nausea you get when you're filled with worry. You'll have to talk to Hannibal about not eating human meat anymore, but now's not the time.

"Well thank you both for taking care of me. Is it ok if I go to the living room? Or should I not be moving around that much?" You ask, moving off of Jason but keeping a hand on his shoulder.

"I'd say you're ok to get up. Your ankle is healing nicely." Hannibal says helping you up. You grab your crochet hook and a ball of yarn while Jason helps you to the living room and Hannibal returns to the kitchen. You sit on the couch with Jason and begin a new project. A new blanket sounds nice to you. As you're crocheting Michael enters the room too. The top of his coveralls pulled down, exposing his large arms. You avoid staring too much at him as he sits next to you.

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