Chapter 18 - Ceremonial rites

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When I first opened my eyes, I realised that I had fallen asleep on the floor of my room. Not only that but Luna was half led on top of me whilst our siblings led scattered around us. I think I will be forever grateful for Freya installing the spiritual lens in the doorway. Unfortunately, Luna started to wake up a little too soon for my liking.

"Morning brother" she yawned as she stood up and stretched her back out. I softly grunted as I mimicked her actions.
"For the 'daughter of the moon' you really enjoy getting up early don't you" I chuckled.
"Ha ha ha. Very funny. Just we have a fair bit that needs to be done today. After all, it is your ceremony in two moons time" Luna said in a lecture like manner.
"I know, but that does not explain why you are always so persistent on starting the day early. Like would it kill you have a lie in once in a while?" I asked jovially.

There was then a sharp hammering at the door.
"Stephen, you need to get ready Mèbh has requested your presence as soon as possible." Kratos's gently called. I sighed as my body started to elongate back as I stood on two legs again.
"Alright, thanks Kratos. I will be out in a minute." I replied as I felt my arms click into place. I am starting to dislike the fact that the only clothes in my possession, are those I stole from a hunter. And even then it is a cloak and a bracer, not even proper 'normal' clothing.
"Stephen, not meaning to rush you, but the sooner you get started the sooner you will finish." Kratos said as I neared the door.

"Okay, let's get started then." I said as I wore a false smile whilst opening the door. Kratos gestured for me to follow as he began leading me in the direction of the central stone cliff in the centre of this cavern.
"You are tired." Kratos deadpanned as he climbed over a fallen tree.
"No I am not, dunno what you are talking about." I lied as I jumped over the tree he had just had to climb.
"Nephew, you are so like your father. You forget something really simple, we are both fae. I know some of the weaknesses and the strengths that you inherited from your father. Probably know them better than anyone else here seeing that we fought with each other for over a couple millennia." Kratos half chuckled.

"Okay, yes. I am a tad bit on the tired side. Parts of me feel fully drained whilst other parts feel like normal." I admitted as he put a hand on my shoulder.
"I know. That would be parts of your other bloodlines kicking into effect. It almost allows you to be able to fully burn out your fae magic, and then still be able to use your Jötun magics." Kratos explained as we started to near an amphitheatre like looking area. We were following a stone path flanked by amphitheatre pillars. They made the path seem overly dramatic.

"Uncle, if you don't mind me asking, what are we doing here?" I asked as we neared a large set of doors embedded into the cliff face.
"Well, you still need to be gifted a rune. Usually the first stop would be to the yew trees, but seeing as you dealt with them yesterday we can skip them." He explained as he slammed his fist into an outcropping stone. As the stone slid in, the door creaked open.
"Why are the yew's first?" I asked as we slowly entered.
"Because if they find you worthy then they gift you with a gemstone for the rune to be held in. Runes themselves can gift their chosen wielder with an immensely vast array of attributes depending on the type." Kratos explained as he pulled up a slab revealing a long staircase.

The ceiling was covered in thick cobwebs whilst the stairs themselves creaked inconsistently.
"What does your rune do?" I asked as Kratos grabbed a torch from the wall.
"My rune, is the rune of bloodlust. It allows me to almost be immune to arrows and most sharp projectiles." He explained as he slowed his pace on some of the weaker looking stairs. I thought it kind of weird that his rune would make him immune to things designed to pierce the flesh, he seemed more like his would give him immense strength.

"Watch your head here." He instructed as he walked through an empty doorway. I almost had to crouch to get through the doorway. Once I entered the room on the other side, I saw how bright and vibrant it seemed. It was a stark comparison to the rest of the building so far. As I looked to the far end of the room, I realised that Mèbh was already there waiting.
"If it is alright, I will take my leave now." Kratos said as he turned back towards the doorframe.
"Yes, thank you Kratos," She called before turning and facing me. "So good to see you again, Stephen dearie." She gleamed warmly as she embraced me.
"Good to see you again Mèbh." I responded as she eventually released me.

The Son of Artemis and Fenrir Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang