Chapter 43 - The one who chased the Moon

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"Ah, Lord Stephen. Er, there is something that I feel you must see. It is quite important but I insist that you remain cool." Bella said hastily as she rushed over.
"What do you mean? What are we dealing with?" I asked as I began to make my way towards the giant cover.
"Is it the cause of that dreadful sound that was released?" Rowan asked as he followed me.
"Yes, I believe it was a defensive reaction to us unearthing him." She explained hastily before covering her mouth.

"What do you mean him?" I asked as I turned my head back to her. As if it was seeping out of her, I could sense how nervous she was. She began to tremble slightly as I walked back towards her.
"Please Bella tell us, who did you find?" I asked calmly. She continued to tremble for a second before taking a deep breath and composing herself.
"We believe we have found one of your uncles, Lord Hati, half buried within the mountain's heart." She explained slowly as she began to lead us to the tarp.

As we all followed her behind it, I shivered as the temperature plummeted. I swore I could see my breath condense almost into little rain clouds before my eyes. The current of wind was stronger here to. As I looked to the over end of the cavern, I was lost for words. My uncle's head led there so perfectly still that he could have been confused for actual stone. His fur was matted against his body and dyed a whole bunch of different colours.

"Do you... do you know if he is still a-alive?" I stuttered as we stopped in front of his muzzle. Bella sighed as she turned back around, "That is why I needed to see you do desperately. Both his spirit and his mind are dead but his body is still perfectly intact. I needed to ask you, what should we do with it?" I could feel tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. I was upset that he had died without anyone with him. I was upset that another of my father's brothers were dead. But this also presented an opportunity of unprecedented joy. If I could replicate for the rest of my family, what I did for Luna... then surely the positives would outweigh the negatives.

"Sir, sorry if it seems insensitive but I need an answer." Bella slightly pushed. I could sense the others annoyance but I didn't know who would act upon it. 
"Why don't you show your king some respect, he's just found his dead uncle. He may need a minute." Rowan growled threateningly.
"I agree, show him some respect." Rennie continued. I sighed as I rubbed the tears from my face.
"It's quite alright you two. Salvage what you can. Give the fur to the armoury and textiles; give the meat to the butchers and fishermen; give the bones to the boatyard and the teeth to the blacksmiths. But I need the heart and I hope I don't have to remind you to do this quietly." I replied as I turned and motioned for us to leave.

Before I left I placed my hand on my uncle's snout and muttered, "Gå gratis" I then began to follow the rest of my family out of the cavern when Bella asked me to stay for a minute. As I stopped and turned back to face her, she asked "If you don't mind me asking sir, why do you want his heart?" I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I tried to think of an easy or simple way to explain my plan.
"I am going to try to enchant his heart and bond it to multiple souls in an attempt to give them life that they do desperately deserve." I answered as I ran my hand across my amulet.

"Your siblings, you want to try to give them bodies again but how?" She asked as she began to head towards the exit of the cavern.
"Yes, but first we will throw a feast to commemorate the passing of arguably the last Great Wolf." I said as we started to shimmy through the narrow passage.
"But I thought you said you wanted to keep it quiet, us fining his body and all?" She said evidently confused.
"We will but we can say that the sound that the Wolven species heard was his last call." I said.

"That could work and I do think that the people could do with a celebration. So where do you want me to deliver the heart?" She asked.
"Well if you are going to deliver the heart yourself could you bring it to the northern tower please before the next full moon." I asked.
"Isn't that in three days. Surely that is plenty of time before then. Why before if I may ask?" She asked curiously.
"The power of the moon enhances our strength so if there is any time when the chances of a success are high, it will be then." I explained.

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