Chapter 46 - Something lost, Something found

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My head was seriously ringing as I slowly woke up. If not for the wolves on my arms, I would rub my eyes to help clear the grogginess from them. I surprisingly still felt half full, it still felt like I was missing something. The moment before I was going to try to sneakily get out of bed, Luna woke up and lapped at my face.
"Just because it's been a couple of years since we've all been together doesn't make your morning breath any more pleasant than usual." I laughed as I tried to nudge her head away, using my own head.

"I'm still never going to stop doing this you know." Luna giggled as she nudged our other siblings awake.
"Urgh, it's too early."
"I'm still tired."
"I've missed this."
"Come on now, we have a wonderful full day ahead of us, so get off of the king now!" Luna half ordered as she gently shoved our siblings off me. After hearing the gentle thuds, my children began to wake up. Rowan momentarily panicked when he first woke up before calming down before shifting as he leapt off the bed. After Rennie also leapt off the bed, they both made their way out of my room

Luna and our siblings were soon to follow leaving me and our Mum alone.
"S-Stephen, I sense something dark is soon to occur." Mum muttered as I turned to face her. She looked like she was still asleep, until her eyes opened revealing pure glowing black orbs.
"Your life as you know it will soon be no more. The worse part about this is you will know no difference for your memory's, your age and more of your soul will have fled you. Are you ready to take the leap of faith and dive into the veil to uncover it's mysteries?" She asked as her eyes began to spark alight.
"Mum, snap out of it. You are in a trance." I said as I grabbed onto her and gently shook her.

"You once more will be abandoned. You once more will be an outcast. You once more will fail to protect those you love." She slowly said as a sadistic smile slowly spread across her face.
"No. I won't let that happen. Not again." I began to cry as I felt something heavy weigh down on my back forcing me down to the ground.
"Foolish boy, you set this boat on its course. The resurrection of your family and the loss of something you held dear was but the start. You will not know the end that starts your life anew but it will come. Just hope that things are set in place for a world without the mighty Wulven King." She spat before she began to spasm.

Her eyes returned to normal as her body continued to spasm less and less. By the time they had stopped, my tears partially matted parts of her fur.
"Stephen, Son are you okay?" She asked as she stood up and began licking my face.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I truthfully lied as I got up off my bed.
"No you are not. You are lying to me again. You may now be a king but I am your mother, I can tell when you are lying." She said caringly as she rubbed herself against my leg.

There was then a sharp, quick knocking at the door.
"Sorry to disturb you my Lord, but there is something you need to see." Alita called.
"I'll be out in a minute." I called back as I turned back to face my Mum.
"If you head down to the main hall, Luna and the others should be waiting for you." I explained as she headed for the door. I sighed after she left. I turned and muttered the charm to call my armour.

What did this all mean? Another prophecy to contend with, why now? What will happen now? It told me to prepare for a world without a Wulven King? Does that mean I'm going to lose my magic? Does it mean I am going to die? Why do these blasted prophecies have to be so damn vague!

I steeled myself as I opened the door. Alita was stood beside it, her hand was resting gently on the top of her knife. When she noticed I was stood in the doorway, she hastily and somewhat clumsily saluted.
"How many times have I told you that that is not necessary." I chuckled as I waved my hand for her to stop.
"A bunch and I reckon you will continue to tell me as such. Now getting down to hand overnight an entire cluster of mountains have appeared hovering next to our own. Some of the ancient dragons are referring to it as the draconian kingdom. Dragon ambassador Stonehide is waiting for you upstairs." Alita explained as she lead me to the stairs of the tower before departing.

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