Chapter 49 - What The Wolf Was Guarding

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"So you ready to see the kingdoms?" I asked as I neared the edge of the balcony, my excitement positively spilling out of me. I wore a goofy grin as I turned to face towards the pristine open night.
"Well depends really, doesn't it." Robyn plainly stated as she walked over to stand beside me. I could feel her fire burning just below the surface. Her joy and happiness ready to erupt from within her and scorch everything in her contagious emotions.
"On what?" I asked as I cocked my head to face her. I noticed her wings start to unfold from against her back.
"Depends if you can keep up with us. So long sat on a throne or building houses on your large haunches probably left you with little to no time to experience or appreciate the aspects of your other body." She smirked before doing a running leap off the balcony.

Sparks followed and a minute later they both zoomed upward as they ascended at a rapid rate.
"Try to keep up Stephen." She said mockingly as she passed. I felt the wind behind them whip my fur up into a frenzy. Oh ho ho, it is on. I slowly grew larger as I dropped onto all fours whilst doing a running leap from the balcony. As I started to plummet towards the ground, my large ice like wings opened and sent me flying upwards. It seemed that they both had been waiting for me to catch up as they were hovering above. I quickly passed through them as I continued to climb upwards. As I continued to climb above the clouds, I started to loop downwards.

"Took you long enough. I was starting to fear that you had forgotten how to use this side of you." Robyn joked as she flew over and gently stroked my cheek with her crimson hand. Her hand pulled back however almost the exact moment she went to stroke a second time.
"Wow, you are cold. I mean even for me and my standard, I don't think I've ever encountered a dragon as cold as you." She exclaimed as she flew above me and over my neck. When she stopped moving as much, she was perfectly positioned in the spot at the back of my neck that was between my wing bones.

It was the same position that she use to sit on Sparks whenever we traveled. Her wings then ceased beating as she dropped onto me. This caused me to momentarily lose my balance due to the sudden change in weight. However I was easily able to adapt the rate of which I beat my wings.
"So are you going to show us this 'great kingdom' or WHAAAA!" She screamed as I suddenly dived down back towards the ground. My wings were folded against my back to help me pick up speed before the second to last second when I flung them open and shot diagonally upwards, levelling out just below the clouds so we could still see everything. I could feel the vice grip of Robyn's talons slowly digging themselves out of the base of my neck as she calmed down.
"Never... never do that again... you silly dragon." She panted as I started the tour.


I dived beneath the arch of the mountain before spiralling up it's tallest point. We left the clouds beneath us as we continued to climb higher and higher. I then lent back before gently curve diving back through the clouds. The moon was gently watching over us whilst the stars lighted the sky. I continued to dart between arches before slowing as we approached the balcony we had departed from a few hours ago. Upon landing, I continued to bound forward for a moment before coming to a halt a few paces away from the door.

I looked back as Robyn leapt from my back before her brother landed a couple paces to my right. A huge smile had sprouted on her face as she made her way back inside. As both me and her brother followed her, I slowly rose back onto just two feet. Once we were inside, I instinctively made my way towards the door on the other end of the room. However when my hand reached down for the handle I was stopped by someone speaking.
"Please, don't go. Not yet anyway. Could... could you please stay a while. Just until the morning, so I... so I know that this is real and not just a- just a dream!" She begged as she snuggled down into her bed.

"As you wish. I will stay with you a while." I said as I turned to face her. She then patted the patch of bed next to her and gestures for me to sit there. I returned to all fours in a different sense as I made my way over to the bed. I stepped up onto the bed before laying down, curling my body around myself so that my tail was near my snout. I then felt her hands grip me suddenly before dragging me further up the bed. By the time she had stopped repositioning me, she had her arms hugging me just below my forelegs whilst she positioned my head to be led into her collarbone. When she exhaled, it tickled my ears.

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