Personnel File: Operative 04

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Name: Operative 04

Origin: Growth Vat 07

Batch Number: BN3

Rank: Senior Agent

Security Clearance: Epsilon-3

Affiliation: The Compound, Operations Division

Training: Operative 04 is one of the five only test subjects to successfully complete and survive the (now discontinued) Immortalis Program. As such, 04 is highly proficient in assassinations, espionage, infiltration, and all the specifications covered in the Immortalis Program file. 

Enhancements: 04 has received the standard agent implants and modifications, as well as the genetic tailoring outlined in BN3 file. Further enhancements exclusive to the Immortalis Program were successfully applied, including the empathetic inhibitor and the neural discipline enforcer. A full list of all relevant enhancements can be found in the IP file (Alpha-1 clearance only). 

Experience: 04 has had significant experience out in the field, and following 02's incident is now considered our prime agent in delicate missions. This experience includes multiple high profile assassinations, national intelligence agency infiltration, as well as the near complete dismantling of our rival operation. 04 has proven to be able to infiltrate heavily armed bases, acquire any required data, and extract without being spotted, and when necessary is able to wipe out any hostile presence there avoiding any critical wounds. Most recent major operation was as lead operative in the chain of high profile assassinations carried out earlier this month, with 04 personally carrying out ten out of the twenty two hits with unflinching precision, with the other three active Immortalis operatives carrying out the rest. 

Notes: 04, similarly to 02, has shown larger than expected levels of emotion following the empathetic inhibitor and discipline enforcer installations. Whilst still exceptionally low, even half a second of delay in combat due to one of these emotions can result in termination of the agent and subsequent mission failure. While 04's performance has not dropped due to this, it is recommended that 04 be monitored and any performance decrease attributed to these emotions be dealt with, carefully. A repeat of the events surrounding 02 is not an acceptable outcome.  04 appears to hold some respect for 01, 03 and 05, however no emotional bond between them has formed. Any potential bond forming should be quashed. A friend is a weakness that can be exploited, and we cannot allow our agents to have pressure points.

Armament preference: 04 prefers using semi-automatic weapons, and the vast majority of the time lands a chest or head shot with every round. Current weapon of choice is the Compound produced I5SP DMR in a bullpup configuration. Sidearm of choice is the Compound produced I8SB Pistol. Exact specifications for each can be found in the Compound armament files. Additionally, 04 carries a 7" combat knife, originally the standard issue combat knife but item now carries custom modifications applied by 04 himself. In addition, 04 is equally efficient at all engagement ranges, and is able to adapt his armament strategy depending on the situation at hand. 04 also carries several impact grenades, which he uses to clear groups of enemies or breach a hole in a wall or door. Despite these preferences shown, 04 is just as proficient with any standard ranged or melee weapon as he is with his chosen loadout. 

Apparel: 04 wears standard I-class Compound body armour under a hooded ballistic weave overcoat, and an advanced recon I-class helmet, with minor AI functionalities. Apparel can partially resist small calibre shots to a degree, though impact damage may still apply. Larger calibre or AP rounds however can penetrate through with minor resistance. Small calibre rounds are still able to pierce the armour if multiple shots hit the same zone, or hit a weak point. Bladed weapons ability to puncture the armour varies on type of weapon used, though the majority of standard combat knives have limited effectiveness. Note that 04's augments will help in mitigating internal damage. Armour also possesses high shock absorbance, and allows the operative to withstand explosions that would normally kill an unprotected human. Full schematics of the armour can be found in the appropriate combat equipment files. 


A/N: Sort of a small info-drop filler chapter until the major one this weekend. Lots of the stuff present here will be expanded upon later in the book, sometimes clearly, sometimes subtly. Enjoy!

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