19. Alone

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The next thing I knew I was being questioned by the Guy who I later got to know was a police. By the time the cops had let me go, the whole media knew about it and they were all over the place. All of them kept asking me weird questions but the last thing I wanted was my face all over the media.

I had kept quiet about me being Jungkook's partner to avoid anymore "fame". For the past few days I had stayed at my parents house but it wasn't the without them, I was all alone.

Jimin? HEY! WAKE UP!

My eyes flashed open. I looked around at the surroundings. I sighed before resting my head in my hands, tears slowly flowed out. WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? IM LOSING EVERYONE I LOVE! 

"YUJIN! MOM, DAD! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I cried out sobbing. The memories of Jungkook flooded in, Where was he? Who was he?


I opened the fridge, I had grew hungry from all the crying. There was nothing in there. I sighed and decided I would go shopping, I threw on a large hoodie and a hat so no-one could recognise me.

Fortunately no-one noticed me, so far so good. I threw in everything I would need so I could miss a few shopping trips to avoid the press. I stood in an aisle, I decided I would just have instant ramen. I headed to the checkout, the guy kept glancing at me. OH NO! had he noticed?

"Would you like a receipt?" I nodded slightly. The minute he handed it to me I zoomed away. I stopped at the corner for a breather, I could see people taking quick glances at me so I tried adjusting my hat so it would cover my face.

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