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Lily has returned and Athanasia told her about her little adventure and  how she is the new student of the head of the Magic Tower.Lily was worried a bit but eventually gave in because at one point Athanasia started fake crying and she forgot that she is very much grown adult Athanasia in her child body.

So far Athanasia only studied magic,read books and learned to control her magic to focus it and mostly listened to granda Aberfort explain a very long story about how he broke his nose.So to say  learn some imteresting things.But today she is going to try and learn teleportation.

"Alright princess do you remember what to do if you want to teleport"

"Yes.Close my eyes and try to imagine a place i want to go to"

"Very good.Now you don't have to do it right away.Try feeling your magic first"he told her.

"Okie"she formed her hands into fists and tried imagining her magic ,feeling it forming in one place.She felt a little sparkle.

"Ah i felt it"she screamed.

"Good,very good"he had a small proud smile on his face.

"I'll try again"

"Now try teleporting.If something happens i'll come right for you.There is nothing to worry about."he reasurred her.

She nodded.Then she tried again this time allowing her magic to flow a bit stronger,this she was familiar with after all this is what she was learning before trying to manage how much magic she can use.Then she felt wind,she thought she was traveling  throught the air she didn't dare open her eyes too afraid.Then she heard voices and birds chirping.She opened her eyes and found herself in a garden with all kind of flowers she never saw.

'Where am i'and whose voice is that.

"You little bastard,stop running"she heard.It sounded like a boy a very angry one.She sneaked behing a bush and saw a blue haired boy and black haired boy.The black haired boy was teleporting like a profesional around in circles.The blue boy was chasing after him and yelling it was quite funny.


"If i'm not annoying,then who would annoy you dear uncle"said Lucas

"Stop calling me that.We are the same age"said the boy as he threw something like a knife.

'Those kids are crazy'she thought.

"How dare you Jeremy"said Lucas dramaticly placing a hand close to his chest.

"Like that would do anything to you"said Jeremy.

"True"said Lucas as he stoped teleporting and flotted mid air.

'I saw to much'she was getting ready to teleport back to tower as she imagimed it she was pretty sure she was so why did she still hear those kids except she was feeling wind like before but then she felt like she was falling.She opened her eyes and looked down indeed she was falling going straight for that Lucas boy.

"AAAHHHAAAAH"she screamed not very lady like more like a very weird animal.Lucas looked up his eyes widening and then she hit him and they fell.

"My head"she said.This Lucas guy has a very hard head like a wall.She hit her head to many times against a wall but this is a whole new thing.Lucas was also holding his head when she opened her eyes.

"Your head, you are the one who fell on me"he was annoyed.Then his eyes opened,they were red not like any red but like crimson red.She's not sure she ever saw red like this.His eyes were magnificent.Then.

"Wow you are ugly"huh ugly who,her never in a milion years is she going to be ugly i mean her parents looked like they fell from heaven.There is no way she was ugly.She scoffed at him,who does her he think he is forget she said anything about him or his eyes.

"Have you ever looked in a mirror"she said.'Payback'

"I have,have you.Judging by you're face you haven't"she noticed she was still on top of him.

"Get off of me"he said and pushed her face away with his hands.She fell on her butt her blue dress getting dirty.Not important.

"Ow"she said wincing in pain.

"Who are you"asked the other boy holding a dagger at her.Strangely she felt more annoyed then scared,what is taking so long for grandpa to find her.She can't concentrate to teleport so her only solution is to run for it or stall until she focuses her magic.

'What is up with these kids'she was annoyed.She got up cleaning the dirt from her dress.

"Athy"she decided to use her nickname she didn't know if somebody was listening she couldn't risk it.She smiled politely

"And yours"she asked.

"Why should we tell you"Lucas interupted.

"Because Athy wants to be friends"she said smiling but inside she was cursing them out.Who raised these kids.

They scoffed like full on scoffed she is pretty sure she saw Lucas do a throw up impression in the corner of her eyss.

'You dramatic git'she cursed.

"Pass"they both said at the same time.

"Well then,bye"she said as she tried to teleport and this time she opened her eyes to see some white light surrounding her.She then waved seeing the boys suprised faces.She looked at Lucas and smiled the smile meant 'i don't like you at all'then just before she was about to teleport she said.

"Bye Lucas"

"How do you know-"his voice was cut,she closed her eyes and opened them again to find herself back in the Magic Tower.

"Good job,princess"he smiled sweetly at her.

"How did you know i would do it"she asked.

"I didn't."he said.

'WHAT YOU DIDN'T.I ALMOST DIED YOU OLD MAN'she cursed him in her mind.

"I knew princess could do it even if it's her first time teleporting"

"Thank you"

'I knew i liked you grandpa'she praised him.

"How about we practice some more"

"I don't see why not,grandpa"

Later that night Athanasia was lying in her bed thinking about her day and her little acident with Lucas and Jeremy.Now that she thinks about it they looked like they were from a high noble family.Which family is the question maybe she should ask Lily just not mention the acident.

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