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"Any plans for today?" asked Lucas as he walked around the desk where she was sitting.

"No, nothing today. Why do you ask?" she sounded confused.

"Well, I have a surprise," he sounded way too happy, and Athanasia could feel that he was planning something.

"We are not going to Artlamta Academy to chase students," she said in a stern voice.

"Now, princess, that happened once, and it was fun," he giggled.

"Alright, what is it then?"

"Close your eyes and give me your hand," he said.

"Alright," Athanasia let Lucas take her hand, and suddenly, she felt the wind. They were in a closed room, and no window was open.

"Lucas, are we in the air?" she shouted, holding onto Lucas's arm for dear life.

"No need to shout, princess," he said, holding his other ear since Athanasia was holding his other hand. He looked at her and saw big, watery jeweled eyes.

"Are you crying?" he teased.

"No," she said, pouting.

"Your lying,princess"

"Am not"she sniffed.

"The fearless princess of Obelia empire is afraid of heights"she smacked him.


"Alright,i apologize"

Lucas chuckled softly, "Let me show you the surprise." With a wave of his hand, there was room  beautifully decorated tea room, floating gracefully in the sky.

"Tea in the air?" Athanasia's eyes widened in amazement.

"Yes, princess. We're having a unique tea experience today," Lucas said, pulling out a chair for her.

As they sipped their tea and enjoyed the breathtaking view from the floating tea room, Athanasia couldn't help but notice how much fun she was having with Lucas. His presence and spontaneity always managed to light up her day. They laughed, shared stories, and had delightful conversations.

When the tea time came to an end, Lucas took Athanasia's hand and kissed it gently. She felt a rush of warmth spread through her body, and in that moment, she realized that her feelings for Lucas had deepened.

"Thank you for the wonderful surprise," Athanasia said, blushing slightly.

"You're welcome, princess. " Lucas replied.

As the day continued, they explored more magical places, and Athanasia couldn't deny the growing connection between them. Lucas was kind, adventurous, and understood her like no one else did. She found herself falling for him, bit by bit.

In the evening, they returned to the castle, and as they bid each other goodbye, Athanasia's heart was heavy with the realization that she might have fallen for Lucas. She spent the night contemplating her feelings, unsure of what to do.

The next day, Athanasia sought the advice of her closest friend, Lily, the castle's head maid. Lily listened attentively to Athanasia's conflicted thoughts and feelings.

"My dear, it seems like you have found someone special in Lucas. You should follow your heart and explore this connection," Lily advised.

"But is it truly alright for me too fell like this Lily.Lucas is one my oldest friends.What if he doesn't feel the same"she asked

"Princess you don't have to tell him if you are not ready.And if you don"t think he feels the same,maybe try finding out"

"Alright"she was confident she could do this but only after she saves her dad and cousin,romance can wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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