Romano x Reader

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It was a normal day at the world conference, America laughing obnoxiously, Englan and France fighthing each other, Greece sleping, Japan agreeying with America and Italy  talking about pasta. You and your father were about to explote, his vein was  pulsing and he was trembling with anger. If you are wondering who do I am talking about, i'm talking about Germany. You were Berling as your dad you had quite a temper . You were inteligent girl with straight A, Glases, long silky hair and a beautiful sport model body. (A/N: Like fem germany). You counted till 5 and SNAP: EVERY BOZY ZHUT UP ZO VE CAN CONTUE ZHE MEEZING!!! Thats right your dad snaped and calmed people down exept for a fumming italian that got your heart, sadly this italian was your enemy, who do i'm talking the one and only Romano. Yeah that italian stole your heart at the same time that your hatetrid. Why? Simple he won't stop insulthing you and your family. He started you waited for the normal botato bastard insult. But got something that made your blood boil and snap.

Romano said: Oi potato bastard, why did you bring that slut that you call daughter here? Isn't she supposed to be with Lutz or Luciano sucking their dicks and being a slut!!!!

Germany froze and looked at you only to shrink down... You took your glasses your platinium blond hair covering your once ice blue eyes that are  indigo now . You stand up and go to Romano. The italian with a victory smirk in his face soon fell... a loud and crisp SMACK  boomed around the room. There he was holding  his red cheek procesing what you were saying... You said:

Wie kannst du es wagen mich Schlampe nennen, wenn Sie die eine, die sex 3 mal am Tag mit unterschiedlichen Frau havd sind. ich kann glauben, dass ich fiel für ein Bastard wie Sie. .. Ich kann immer noch liebe dich, aber nah ... Ich sehe Sie nicht gut sind ... Ich liebe dich Ich wünschte, du könntest mir so viel wie ich, aber was auch immer lieben. .. Go fuck selbst. .. Bastard

and went out... uour dad and uncles stud there in awe and mouths wide open. .. your aunt lily followed you... wile romano didn't understand what you said....

translation :

how dare you call me slut when you are the one that havd sex 3 times a day with different woman. i can believe i fell for a bastard like you. .. i may still love you but nah... i see you are not good... i love you i wish you could love me as much as i do but whatever. .. go fuck yourself. .. Bastard


Hetalia x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now