Romano x Reader part 2

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You stormed out of the room, cascades of tears pouring down your face. You let out a giant sob in the middle of the room before going out. Everyone even Romano  was surprised. They had never seen you cry, not even your own dad. Things got a lot worst that before. They needed Russia, Turkey, Greece and Sweden to stop Germany from attacking Romano. Cuba, Spain, France and Denmark to stop Switzerland . Britain, Italy , Norway and Romania to stop Prussia . America, China, Canada, Honkong, Japan, Austria , Belarus , Ukrain , Vietnam, Taiwan , Netherlands, Finland and Iceland to stop Hungary from killing Romano. Romano just stud there procesing what just happened... Until he decided to ask what did she said.... Lichestain (lili) rentered the room and cleared her troat and said... My dear , dear Romano, I'm terribly sorry for every thing that just happened. Romano started to shake in fear while watching the black lethal aura around lily while she talked to him. Even the rest of the germanics started to pale. They knew never to piss off Lily.... She sight and said, I know you are wondering what the fuck did berlin said ja? Romano nod. Good she said: how dare you call me slut when you are the one that havd sex 3 times a day with different woman. i can believe i fell for a bastard like you. .. i may still love you but nah... i see you are not good... i love you i wish you could love me as much as i do but whatever. .. go fuck yourself. .. Bastard.... Romano paled and pass out.... Lily just stared at him and slap him . He woke up with a groan to be slaped once again by Lily. She said in a demon voice that made Russia and Belarus scream in fear.... You piece of shit you better apologize to her and make up or i'll personally kill you with my own hands... He nod and bolted out of there. Leaving the rest shaking in fear. She smiled and the aura disapear... Germany  dismissed the meeting to look for his daughter... Only to find a sobbing mess in the piano room playing  Skinny Love (a/n: look 4 it it's amaizing). She didn't see her family enter and kept playing only to be stoped by a crying Germany  and a fumming Hungary. Austra sight and said: Germany i know she's your daughter but she's like me she releases her emotions in the piano . let her play to her heart contempt. He nod and she kept playing till she pass out by exaustion . He picked her up and went home were Monika ( fem germany p.s. your mom) sight and asked only one question ; Romano? to recieve a nod by everyone.

Timeskip next meething~

You and your dad entered the meeting  only to be takle hugged and kissed forcefully by a sobbing romano. You kissed back and accepted his apology . You two kept kissing and making out in the floor. You stopped because your aunt Hungary knocked him out with her frying pan. You thanked her and stud up . You saw your dad and uncles passed out on the floor with massive nosebleeds and the rest of the countries with nosebleeds exept the girls , that came to you and started chatting like if nothing happened. Yeah  a complete happy day.

Extended ending that night~

Germany, Switzerland, Prussia and Austria were in the library reading till the most scary sound that a father could ever heard was heard. His preasious little angel moaning thanks to an italian bastard. Germany cried along with the rest , Monika , Hungary and Lily just lauged at them and said, well West our little baby isn't so little.

The next morning the two of you walked out of your room him in italian flag boxers and crecent shaped scars in his back and you with hickeys in you neck and in his shirt. You entered the kitchen to find the rest of the germanics with disturbed looks and masive blushes in their faces. You smirked and kissed roma's cheek and said mornin vatti , morning mutti and morning everyone. you took your breakfast and Romano's to your room and said. That's how i feel when you guys get busy, have a nice day...

Hungary and  Monika fell on the floor laughing wile the boys blushed even more. Yep a nice day.... From that day foward the doors were sound proof and you got your italian LOver... END!!!!

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