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You blushed when you readed out loud.  He came over to you with that goofy grin you fell in love and said... dudette you all right,  cus you look red...You laughed nervously and nod... he looked at you and smirked...

he got to stage and choose the perfect song ... with a sinister laugh he press plsy and started...

American idiot (a/n one of my fave )

Don't wanna be an American idiot.
Don't want a nation under the new mania
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck America.

Britain chuckled  lightly before collapsing on a histerical laughing fit.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alienation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

Yeah everyone judge him for having tony. You on the other hand were totally fine. Tony was like a brother to you,  he even treated you better than how he treated America.

Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along to the age of paranoia.

Horror movies left him in a state of paranoia,  that means he would have his gun with him even to go to the bathroom or to get the remote. ..

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alienation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's calling out to idiot America.

you always wanted to know what does that stuburn cowlick  did but he always said,  dudette don't think about it.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alienation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

He got out of stage and kissed you. You didn't hesitate to kiss back. After that he said... i may act like and idiot but doesn't mean that I am one. You nod and kissed him again... This mean that you are my Lois Lane right? Yeah,  mr.  i'm not an American idiot... he rolled his eyes and you took you opportunity to his cowlick and tugh on it hard and ran off.. leavin a horney american idiot behind. .. only that this was YOUR american idiot. ..

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